- PM3.HD how to chnge menu names? (2 Replies)
- [HELP!] Adding new views (2 Replies)
- [Request] Enable Qwerty in PM3.HD (2 Replies)
- Menu change (3 Replies)
- [HELP] Buttomcommonvalues? (7 Replies)
- fanart view not picking up thumbnails for TV Shows? (4 Replies)
- Watched files indicator (0 Replies)
- Artist Name in PM3HD Library mode question. (2 Replies)
- Suggestion: add fade effect to the codec info and the time bar (0 Replies)
- PM3 HD Home Screen (3 Replies)
- [HELP] Possible for 2 homepages? (3 Replies)
- PM3 Graphic Minor Issues (7 Replies)
- fanart view for music - changing the fields displayed (2 Replies)
- [HELP] Requesting help from Jezz on 3d coverflow (7 Replies)
- Larger area for media???? (2 Replies)
- Watched / unwatched (1 Reply)
- CD & DVD Case MOD (29 Replies)
- How do you remove items from the Home Menu? (2 Replies)
- Anyway to make episode info scroll in Fanart view? (8 Replies)
- Another theme coming! (3 Replies)