- Visualisation in Home Screen (PM3.HD) (7 Replies)
- Project Mayhem III (PM3) skin being ported to Syabas Popcorn Hour (NMT)? (4 Replies)
- [MOD] Weather FanArt for PM3 .HD (2 Replies)
- Change Background Images (4 Replies)
- Library mode not available (7 Replies)
- change in Home screen:programs to a script (5 Replies)
- [MOD] Qwerty Keyboard Mod for PM3.HD Skin (4 Replies)
- [MOD] Simple Album Art visualization for PM3 - Skin Mod (5 Replies)
- Focus item bug in new coding needed? (5 Replies)
- project mayhem III lite (xbox help) (5 Replies)
- (attn Jezz-X) Typo in Home.xml [fixed] (2 Replies)
- Newbie with a question regarding video control icon (2 Replies)
- Adding to PMIII home menu? (1 Reply)
- Weather Fanart in PM3.HD (11 Replies)
- Weather Spincontrol... (2 Replies)
- Filter Out Genres? (4 Replies)
- Size of the thumbs in thumbnail view (6 Replies)
- How to ceate a new button? (15 Replies)
- [HELP] unable to customize (3 Replies)
- [SOLVED] Cache settings in wrong place (2 Replies)