Translations and Languages
- Change <speedunit>kmh</speedunit> to <speedunit>beaufort</speedunit> for Dutch (6 Replies)
- Localization for String 19047 -- English (US) (0 Replies)
- Pre-compiled xbmc-xml2po.exe for Windows? (2 Replies)
- Help adding settings descriptions Gotham13.0 (0 Replies)
- English not at 100% in Transifex (5 Replies)
- Artist Slideshow String Files Not Updating (0 Replies)
- Sync outage due to Transifex API change (2 Replies)
- Frodo translation for core confluence and internal addons are closed (0 Replies)
- New Transifex project for XBMC master (Gotham) open (0 Replies)
- Addon in repo, what's next? (3 Replies)
- small english correction in transifex (1 Reply)
- [language] add GUI setting descriptions (5 Replies)
- Where to aplicate translations for XBMC daily builds? (2 Replies)
- anime title renaming/translating (1 Reply)
- Addon language tag always lost after pulling translation (5 Replies)
- Nightly Main Bar Translation Bug (4 Replies)
- Blank and boxes where there is suppose to be in my native language (1 Reply)
- Dutch translation addon contextmenu (5 Replies)
- Timing for Translations after Update of English Source File (3 Replies)
- Requesting .po and .xml files for different branches? (5 Replies)