Translations and Languages
- Collaborative Translation of XBMC Language Files on Launchpad or similar online tool? (25 Replies)
- Google-Code-Project for translations (3 Replies)
- Can I upload a zip file to trac? (2 Replies)
- Czech strings (0 Replies)
- Error: Forbidden; when trying to submit file. (3 Replies)
- Added Afrikaans (South Africa) language files (1 Reply)
- I updated the Spanish language, What do I do now? (2 Replies)
- Small error in French Translation (0 Replies)
- Portuguese language corrections (for Portugal)? (6 Replies)
- spanish tranlation problem (2 Replies)
- Norwegian translation (37 Replies)
- Translate of addon with upstream repo existing (30 Replies)
- How to find the language string list in addon.xml (1 Reply)
- Hardcoded untranslatable strings, patch existing, needs to be commited (2 Replies)
- arial font for hebrew (1 Reply)
- Which strings.xml to use when translating Dharma? (3 Replies)
- language translations. (3 Replies)
- Vietnamese language for XBMC (2 Replies)
- How to translate the title of an addon (2 Replies)
- How to translate addons on xbmc repo, directly from GIT source using GIT Diff (0 Replies)