Translations and Languages
- Greek Translation-I can help (8 Replies)
- Smart PlayListY (5 Replies)
- Spanish Langinfo.xml (1 Reply)
- French corrections (3 Replies)
- French translation (3 Replies)
- Swiss (Switzerland) Language Translation and Country Localization Enhancements? (2 Replies)
- Finnish Language (3 Replies)
- german strings.xml update (2 Replies)
- Translation of Cardinal Directons? (2 Replies)
- Need some english words explained (5 Replies)
- German translation (not really a bug) (5 Replies)
- Fixed Chinese (Simple) Language File for v8.10 (2 Replies)
- Atlantis needs reviewed translations. (0 Replies)
- N,E,S,W compasheadings, string ID ? (1 Reply)
- Link to XBMC translator tool does not work (1 Reply)
- Chinese (Simple) language file update (4 Replies)
- Can someone please translate XBMC language file to Ukrainian? (6 Replies)
- Hungarian (Magyar) language file (4 Replies)
- I want to help translate/maintain Spanish language... (6 Replies)
- Portuguese translation (2 Replies)