Translations and Languages
- language (2 Replies)
- Adding a new locale (5 Replies)
- Arabic language support (0 Replies)
- String used in system/peripherals.xml toggle option needs change. (3 Replies)
- Mistranslated and conflicting element for Spanish translation (8 Replies)
- Translate new Weather String to german (5 Replies)
- Migration from Transifex (4 Replies)
- Are there nightly builds of language add-ons? (0 Replies)
- Shared Glossary at Transifex (7 Replies)
- Crash due to typo in language file (13 Replies)
- Inability of joining Serbian (Cyrillic) Kodi translation team on Transifex (0 Replies)
- How to Submit Addon for Translation? (1 Reply)
- How to update langinfo.xml? (2 Replies)
- strings.po Addon Description and addon.xml metadata description (0 Replies)
- Remove deprecated Vimeo plugin (0 Replies)
- xbmc.getLanguage for "English (US)" broken? (0 Replies)
- Issue with strings.po file for resource.language.en_us (1 Reply)
- Little brazilian translation problem (I think) (6 Replies)
- How to setup KODI in Bengali Language. (4 Replies)
- Thai characters will not display (4 Replies)