- HORIZONZ: Discussion and Support Thread (996 Replies)
- Dharma Compatible Version...? (1 Reply)
- Trailer view!? (3 Replies)
- Any way to change opacity of the home screen menu? (0 Replies)
- WORKING: Home Theater Experience (3 Replies)
- WORKING: moving fanart (1 Reply)
- [MOD] Hexed's Now Playing Mod / Kiosk Mode / Video Window (16 Replies)
- Trailers in menu with movies and TV shows (6 Replies)
- Starting XBMC + Horizonz in Library/Movies mode (0 Replies)
- Can fanart be setup similar to Aeon? (10 Replies)
- WORKING: OpenSubtitles_OSD (0 Replies)
- Weird weather properties title(s) after modding a Horizonz install? (1 Reply)
- help lowering the poster in showcase (1 Reply)
- 3 Question inside :P! Date Created of files, Media Icon, Block Setup Menu (4 Replies)
- Horizon skin development abandoned? (4 Replies)
- Slowwww Skin performance, plz help.. (0 Replies)
- Showcase problems in Music section (2 Replies)
- [REQUEST] Hide Home scroller on screensaver or variable timeout? (1 Reply)
- Weather Conditions in the home menu like Aeon? (8 Replies)
- 4:3/low res optimized font size(s)? (1 Reply)