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Full Version: Season Thumbs Stopped Scraping
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Everything was working fine, until a few days ago my plugins (scrapers?) auto updated, since then my TV show season thumbs have not been scraping right from thetvdb, also it seems to miss some movie fanart now too, but not all.

Its actually showing the TV Show's Wide banner (for the series) as the season thumbnail as well.

Anyone else notice this?

Strange thing is, if i dl the season thumb manually & load it in as the season thumb, it replaces the TV shows wide banner with it too. So then if i replace the TV Shows wide banner, its changed the season back to it with it. At least it is with a new show i just added, it let me manually set it for a new season of an old show, which already had a Show wide banner

I remember this happening once before several months ago, due to the fact thetvdb.com changed the URL for the seasons & there was an update released to fix it.

Running XBMC latest Dharma 10.1, PM3HD, windows 7 32bit.