For those of you who want to make your own custom home menu text images, I have provided the necessary Photoshop PSD and action file to automate the process. The font used is Futura (Bold). If you do not know how to use photoshop, you can make a request and I am sure either me or someone else can fulfill it for you. If you've made your own, please post them for the benefit of others.
Here are some that I've made which can be found in the "extras" folder:
Can you create one for 'DVD Player' please.
Hey guys, can I pls make a request for the two below. Thanks and no hurry.
I can exchange home menu fonts, but i cant find file where i can do this in 4 beta version. Any tip?
Some resource of text image store in texture.xbt. But it had encrypt.I hope it was decypt to .xpr or seperate in textures folder for editable in the final release. Because I think you may take more time to make it correctly for all language. And in this release(beta2) in my language(Thai) it use different font(I remember , i sent all of it to you).Is good to allow user to change it manually.
Thx devilshura.
How to denrypt and next encrypt?
Any software someone can recommend?
But i think as its package i can edit in in X OS on Mac.
Ill try and give info. thx!
devilshura Wrote:Some resource of text image store in texture.xbt. But it had encrypt.I hope it was decypt to .xpr or seperate in textures folder for editable in the final release. Because I think you may take more time to make it correctly for all language. And in this release(beta2) in my language(Thai) it use different font(I remember , i sent all of it to you).Is good to allow user to change it manually.
I might move the home menu textures out of the xbt.