(2015-05-04, 16:53)mrlukard Wrote: [ -> ]im stuck , when i make Movies in photoshop and use the action , how do i get the correct pic sizes? is there an easy way to crop them so i have 3 seperate images?thanks
Hi mrlukard.
The action automatically crops and sets the picture size for both images needed. You need to use one action at a time (focus action and no focus action).
Why do you need 3 images?
(2014-12-11, 13:23)Gade Wrote: [ -> ] (2014-12-11, 09:27)petitdroud Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, if you want you can use the "Meteo" picture in order to replace your "Weather" for the French translation.
I had to change the text position to be the same as yours. Find below the modified one in case someone want to use it too.
Yeah, I realize that as well. The Photoshop action centers the images instead of aligning them to the bottom.
Thanks for the new images. I have also added them to the skin extras folder and replaced the weather images in the french translations with Meteo.
Hello Gade,
Could you please share the Action script that correctly align the text. I'm trying to create my own text Images but it's always not correct. I'm using the materials posted by Scarfa in post number 1.
If you or someone can also post a 3 lines "how to" it will be nice. I currently can create image but would like to be sure to do it using the good way.
Thanks in advance
(2015-05-06, 10:07)petitdroud Wrote: [ -> ] (2014-12-11, 13:23)Gade Wrote: [ -> ] (2014-12-11, 09:27)petitdroud Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, if you want you can use the "Meteo" picture in order to replace your "Weather" for the French translation.
I had to change the text position to be the same as yours. Find below the modified one in case someone want to use it too.
Yeah, I realize that as well. The Photoshop action centers the images instead of aligning them to the bottom.
Thanks for the new images. I have also added them to the skin extras folder and replaced the weather images in the french translations with Meteo.
Hello Gade,
Could you please share the Action script that correctly align the text. I'm trying to create my own text Images but it's always not correct. I'm using the materials posted by Scarfa in post number 1.
If you or someone can also post a 3 lines "how to" it will be nice. I currently can create image but would like to be sure to do it using the good way.
Thanks in advance
Hi Petitdroud.
I use the same action script from the first post.
When I run each action, a dialog pops up where I name the new image (or doesn't), and afterwards another dialog where i bottom align the pasted image.
Can I have one for 'Top 250' and 'Files' please?
I have added them to the skin.rapier/extras folder as well
Can I have one for 'Replay' and 'Dessins animes' please?
Hello, thank you for your work.
Can you also realize "Rechercher" ?
Hello, thank you for your work.
Can you also realize
Can one be created that simply says DVR and one that says