Hey Gade, can you possibly make a button that says Tutorials? Thanks in advance, much appreciated.
(2015-11-09, 01:44)alad26 Wrote: [ -> ]Also, can I change the focus on start up to a specific menu item. Thanks in advance.
Just a heads up.
I'm currently working on adding this feature to the skin settings.
It's quite a task to code, as there are many things to take into account (all the different combinations of enabled/disabled categories), but I'm slowly getting there
Can someone please make one that says SHOWBOX and one that says XFINITY? Thanks in advance
Sorry, but those add-ons violate the forum rules.
(2015-12-16, 23:55)Gade Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, but those add-ons violate the forum rules.
Ok sorry didn't know. Not sure why Xfinity does, it is the Comcast cable legit app.
Hey again Gade, I just recently setup a TriPi build and was wondering if you could possibly make a custom text that says "Raspbian", thanks again!
Hi DataBass.
I've added them to the skin as well.
Would you please create:
Thanks in advance
Hi Canadian and welcome to the forums.
Sure, here they are:
They are also added to the skin.rapier/extras folder.
Hi. Any chance of getting
More Movies
Thank you.
[FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY][FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY] Thank you. Appreciate the work you put in.