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Kids Movies:

Thank you so much for that, Scarfa.
Incredibly quick response too.
Very much appreciated.
Im trying to use the PSD (again) to make my own, but Im a little confused about one thing. What kind of cropping are you using to make each one? You combined both Focus and NoFocus in one PSD so it needs to be cut into two, but if its done wrong the text wont align correctly.

Maybe you should make two separate PSDs, one for each, set at the exact sizes they need to be so the only thing people need to do is alter the text and save it as a PNG? Atleast.. thats probably what Im going to do if I could find out where exactly to crop.
In the skin settings where you choose the image it says 300x96 and 300x64 are the recommended sizes for the focus and no-focus images, respectively.
triumphdog1 Wrote:In the skin settings where you choose the image it says 300x96 and 300x64 are the recommended sizes for the focus and no-focus images, respectively.

Yeah, I got that. But if you dont crop it in the correct spots than it ends up aligned wrong on the home screen.
Nevermind then, I will just spend awhile moving it pixel by pixel until it aligns with the rest. Sorry for bothering you people with a simple question.
CharredChar Wrote:Nevermind then, I will just spend awhile moving it pixel by pixel until it aligns with the rest. Sorry for bothering you people with a simple question.

If you use photoshop, there is an action file in the OP that does it for you. However if you want to do it manually then:

focus text
300x96 canvas
horizontal align: center
vertical align: bottom

nofocus text
300x64 canvas
horizontal align: center
vertical align: bottom
Can I have the menu WebbTV please?

Please Smile
Would someone mind making one called 'Freeview'. I would use the Ps action but I don't have access to my main PC atm.
Could I request:


Thank you thank you!
Can someone make one for "BILLIARDS" would appreciate it, thanks
could you please make two for me ...




Can you make me a 'Radio' button please.
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