2012-09-14, 01:20
As stated by Dawid, don't upgrade to 2.8.3 when available if you want to keep SickBeard, CouchPotato, and/or Headphones (all three will be removed) but to answer your question about "other than ads, what's the difference?"
Free Version:
To your Trakt related comments/questions: I had a couple points I was going to make about this, but after writing it 7 or 8 different ways and reading it over, it just seemed like I was coming across as either a dick (in general) or condescending which by no means is what I want(ed) to convey, so please note the following is not meant that way against you or anyone else...
Essentially the point(s) I was going to make is that because of Apple's recent complaint/demand, they probably don't have the luxury to focus on changes like that at this time. I think after a new version or two get released (to appease Apple by stripping out 'good' features for crap reasons, then to fix any new bugs it caused) they can get back to focusing on this type of stuff. And although having SB,CP,HP stripped from the app, FSS has at least taken into consideration releasing those features on Cydia for JB users, but it also allows the focus to be improving a smaller feature-set. I haven't really been much of a Trakt user (I used it a lot when they first introduced it but have practically all but forgotten it since Pre-Eden) but I'm trying to get back into it, so I can see the benefits of those types of views, but for my limited use of the service it seems 'fine for now'.
I decided not to post the original rant(s) on here, but may write them up and expand on what I've already said on my personal blog later tonight... But either way, I wish Dawid and the FSS.cc team the best of luck in continuing their vision of this app while trying to keep both Apple and more importantly the users as happy as they can in this situation.
I think this was addressed before where home automation doesn't really 'fit' into their vision of the app, but there are many other great apps that already take care of them (I believe some even allow external control, in which case you could set up custom buttons in Constellation and pretty much get what you're wanting.
As stated by Dawid, don't upgrade to 2.8.3 when available if you want to keep SickBeard, CouchPotato, and/or Headphones (all three will be removed) but to answer your question about "other than ads, what's the difference?"
Free Version:
- Ads
- Although you can view the data in SB, CP, Sab, etc. you can NOT manage them (like adding/removing an item from Sab queue, or adding a new show in SB)
- The Custom Commands used to be Pro only... I believe free can now use them
To your Trakt related comments/questions: I had a couple points I was going to make about this, but after writing it 7 or 8 different ways and reading it over, it just seemed like I was coming across as either a dick (in general) or condescending which by no means is what I want(ed) to convey, so please note the following is not meant that way against you or anyone else...
Essentially the point(s) I was going to make is that because of Apple's recent complaint/demand, they probably don't have the luxury to focus on changes like that at this time. I think after a new version or two get released (to appease Apple by stripping out 'good' features for crap reasons, then to fix any new bugs it caused) they can get back to focusing on this type of stuff. And although having SB,CP,HP stripped from the app, FSS has at least taken into consideration releasing those features on Cydia for JB users, but it also allows the focus to be improving a smaller feature-set. I haven't really been much of a Trakt user (I used it a lot when they first introduced it but have practically all but forgotten it since Pre-Eden) but I'm trying to get back into it, so I can see the benefits of those types of views, but for my limited use of the service it seems 'fine for now'.
I decided not to post the original rant(s) on here, but may write them up and expand on what I've already said on my personal blog later tonight... But either way, I wish Dawid and the FSS.cc team the best of luck in continuing their vision of this app while trying to keep both Apple and more importantly the users as happy as they can in this situation.
I think this was addressed before where home automation doesn't really 'fit' into their vision of the app, but there are many other great apps that already take care of them (I believe some even allow external control, in which case you could set up custom buttons in Constellation and pretty much get what you're wanting.