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Full Version: XBMC suddenly stopped working
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XBMC crashes at the start screen and I have to kill the process. I have tried removing XBMC (including profile), rebooting and installing the latest version without any luck. I have also killed all processes that isn't neccecary for Windows to run.

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

Platform: Windows 7, 32-bit Service Pack 1 build 7601
CPU: Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz
Graphics: Intel HD
Audio: Realtek HD
XBMC version: 10.1

I haven't changed or updated any software except Windows critical updates.

Here's my xbmc.log:

Just a quick guess.. but the log says "running with restricted rights".. perhaps you need to set to run as Administrator?
The link to the log times out at the moment. Can you put it on pastebin.com instead?

Running with restricted rights should be no problem. XBMC doesn't need to be run as administrator.

Thanks for your replies!

the_warpig: I saw that too and tried running it as Administator without any luck. Sad

jhsrennie: Here you go: http://pastebin.com/GcPzRaE4
The log is ending at the point where XBMC checks the DVD drive. Is there anything in the drive? If so eject it and see if that helps. Also unmount any virtual DVD drives.

Can you enable debug logging. Becuase XBMC won't start you need to do this by hand. Press Windows-R and in the Run dialog type:

notepad "%appdata%\xbmc\userdata\advancedsettings.xml"

Click OK and answer Yes when asked to create a new file. Copy and paste the following into Notepad:


Close Notepad and save the changes. Now when you start XBMC it will produce a more detailed log. Pop the more detailed log on pastebin.

Sorry, forgot about this problem. Haven't had any time for movies in a while.

Here's the log with debug turned on:

Can you see something that isn't right?
Did you check the DVD drive? Also check if you have any virtual DVD drives.

Damn, I forgot to check the drive!

What causes XBMC to hang when having a CD in the drive?

Thank you very much!
grottmongo Wrote:What causes XBMC to hang when having a CD in the drive?

XBMC doesn't normally hang if there's a CD in the drive. A bug of that magnitude would have been noticed by now :-)

In this case there must be something odd about your CD and XBMC is hanging when it's trying to analyse the CD structure.