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Full Version: Overriding controls (skip/next/pause) of the Player GUI for a specific plugin
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I am writing a plugin to control an external audio player through XBMC. This means XBMC will not handle the playback part by itself - the external player will do that.

I have a little problems though: I want to use the default audio playback GUI of XBMC (with skip/pause/shuffle buttons), but I want to remap the actions.

First of all: How do I show and modify the content of the player (maybe something like xbmc.Player())? I also want to show the playback progress and metadata from the external player so I need an interface with will allow me to interact with the XBMC player.

Could somebody point me to a Python module or class which can handle this?
I have not done this yet but maybe you can inherit from xbmc.player, like described here.
Thanks - I'll try that. But this will not get around the initial problem: I need to fool XBMC into thinking it is playing back a file when it really is not - only the GUI should display the controls.

A really hacky way around this would be a dummy (silent) MP3 stream which I could hand over to xbmc.Player().play(). This way XBMC would think it's playing back something and I could even send the metadata of the remote song through the stream. But right now I am still looking for a better solution - any more ideas?