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Full Version: Question for people with largish libraries
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I have nearly 800 movies, 90 tv shows (with around 3000 episodes) and about 1000 albums.

I have xbmc set to scan for new content on startup however this can take up to 5 minutes to scan.

Question is how do users with large libraries (and I assume there will be people with libraries larger than mine) deal with adding new files to the library quickly?

The only thing I can think of is to re-organise my file/folder structure so that I have as many movies/tv shows (cancelled, ended etc)/albums as I can in separate drives/folder and not have xbmc scan them and only have xbmc scan a smaller section of files that I know will be getting updated regularly.

I would like to avoid that if possible as I'm lazy and it sounds like a bit of work but if nobody can offer any alternatives I guess I'll have to do that.
Ember Media Manager
TheReverend Wrote:Ember Media Manager


This wont speed up the scanning time, I pre-scrape all my stuff anyway (sickbeard for TV shows and media companion for movies), I'm trying to speed up the time it physically takes xbmc to trawl through hundreds and hundreds of directories checking for new files.
What's your folder structure and how many paths do you have, easy option is just start a new source and stop adding to the old one probably not what you want to hear though
>>X<<' Wrote:What's your folder structure and how many paths do you have, easy option is just start a new source and stop adding to the old one probably not what you want to hear though

4 movie sources and 2 tv sources.

[Folder 1] Movies 1
[Folder 2] Movies 1 (Kids)

[Folder 1] Movies 2
[Folder 2] Movies 2 (Kids)

TV 1

TV 2

I could probably not update one of the movie HDD's as it's almost full and I don't add new movies to it but the TV show drives have shows on them which are still running.
Move stuff around so the HDDs that have Movies 1 and TV Shows 1 are full up. Then just stop scanning those folders.
voochi Wrote:Move stuff around so the HDDs that have Movies 1 and TV Shows 1 are full up. Then just stop scanning those folders.

That's what I though I would have to do but as I'm lazy I thought I would ask in case there was an easier way I didn't know about.
You know you can just update specific paths using a script so you could just update [Folder 1] Movies 1 if you wanted or TV only Movie only or any combination you could even do it via a browser locally or networked at least in Dharma not tried Pre Eden

This works via browser just add the path at the end

http://Your IP Here:8080/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn&parameter=XBMC.UpdateLibrary(video,path)

Or just put TV and Movies paths on separate remote buttons

You could also run the update library addon overnight
mr.sparkle Wrote:You could also run the update library addon overnight

If he's running update on startup I presume he turns it off ?