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Full Version: [Script] xbmc.Player not finding .txt anti-commercial files for all source types
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What currently bothers me is the inconsistent behavior of the build-in XBMC player I want to use in my python script.
The problem is that while trying to play a file from ftp XBMC doesn't search for .txt/.edl commercial skipping information files. While playing from disks (local or network) those files are searched properly and commercials are cut.

I call myPlayer.play(address) to play my files. Where address is V:\Files\ExampleFile.mpg or ftp://files.exaplesite.pl/ExampleFile.mpg

So my questions are:
Is there a possibility to manually provide xbmc commercial skipping files by using .play() method?
Is there any other possibility to force XBMC player in python script or by configuration files to search and use the commercial skipping files?