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Update V1.5.1 Fix for the search function

The search function got a little correction - some radio stations were missing in the results. 

Please use the integrated updater or download the latest release zip from Github and install it new

Editnew update V1.5.2 - it fixes 2 potential problems with the header analysis.
(2019-12-25, 17:07)rols1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi @bluezed,

Sorry for the delayed answer. First I had to find a suitable configuration for testing (script.artistslideshow, Kodi V 18.5, MusicBrainz Picard). Then I tested some streams from different stations and analyzed the debug log. Result in short: I'm not able to help. I try to explain, why:

After you pressed a stream button, the addon downloads the metadata of a stream for analyzing. Then the addon calls  the Kodi player with the stream url,  which plays the content and provides a JSONRPC-interface for other addons that perform visualisation, slideshows, etc.
At this point the addon gives up the control. Kodi's player (more precisely: the built-in ffmpeg-stack) continuously analyses the stream and retrieves the embedded info about artist and song.
Artist Slideshow uses a repeatedly JSONRPC-Call to Kodi to get info about artist and song. The info is mostly (I did not have seen other structures) returned in this form:
  • {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"item":{"artist":[],"label":"ANDREAS BOURANI - NUR IN MEINEM KOPF","musicbrainzartistid":[],"type":"song"}}}.
In this example the key "label" has the value "ANDREAS BOURANI - NUR IN MEINEM KOPF". ANDREAS BOURANI is the artist, NUR IN MEINEM KOPF is the  song.
If this is the usual output and a radio station change the order, there is no chance to detect this, not by Kodi, not by an addon. 

Maybe the developer of Artist Slideshow could find a solution with his experience.
Hi @rols1 

Thank you very much for taking the time to look into it and the detailed explanation.

Guess I'll try my luck with the Artist Slideshow delevoper next Wink

Thanks again!
Update V1.5.3 fixes
  • Fix to follow redirects
  • global UrlopenTimeout set to 4 from 3
Update V1.5.4 some cosmetics for code and dialogs
Please use the integrated updater or download the latest release zip from Github (http://github.com/rols1/Kodi-Addon-TuneI...ses/latest) and install it new
Update V1.5.5 fixes, 1 flac-Stream added to "My Radio Stations"

Please use the integrated updater in addon or install new from Github:

Fixed: label mp3 -> flac if stream-url contains this mark.
Option "My Radio Stations": 1 flac-stream added to myradiostations-Mix.txt (Radio Paradise Rock).
Update V1.5.6 integrated slideshow, Fix in RecordStop

Please use the integrated updater in addon or install new from Github:

Slideshow added: see updated wicki

Fix in RecordStop:
fixed missing error message (if recording process is not found)
Update V1.5.7 new function in modul Updater
Update V1.5.8 Dialog-Calls for Kodi Matrix adapted

Please use the integrated updater in addon or install new from Github

new function in Modul Updater:
  • adjust_AddonXml(): adjust python-version in addon.xml in fresh installed addon (e.g. "3.0.0" if Kodi 19 is running)
  • Kodi-Matrix-Tester: if you have problem to use the updater-modul in Kodi-Addon-TuneIn2017, please use Kodi-Matrix-TuneIn2017.zip in my gmx-folder 
Dialog-Calls for Kodi Matrix adapted:
  • Calls of xbmcgui.Dialog().ok and xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno are adapted to v19 Python API changes
Details in changelog.txt.
Radio New Zealand National and Radio New Zealand Concert not working in your version.
I have former (now mostly obselete) last version (with modified default.py) and it works Radio New Zealand Concert but also that version now not play Radio New Zealand National (or RNZ National)
(2020-07-09, 16:49)ozzyman Wrote: [ -> ]Radio New Zealand National and Radio New Zealand Concert not working in your version.

yes, I get "no stream found" with both stations. I'm looking for the cause...
Update V1.6.0 Fix relativ pathes in master.m3u8-files

Please use the integrated updater or download the latest release zip from Github and install it new.
Tunein2017 ist also available at new repo kodinerds (for leia and matrix) - if not installed, take a look at the webinterface https://repo.kodinerds.net.

@ozzyman: both stations works for me now. I think some other stations may also benefit. Thanks for your hint.
Edit: kodinerds webinterface: https://repo.kodinerds.net
(2020-07-09, 18:24)rols1 Wrote: [ -> ]Update V1.6.0 Fix relativ pathes in master.m3u8-files

Please use the integrated updater or download the latest release zip from Github and install it new.
Tunein2017 ist also available at new repo kodinerds (for leia and matrix) - if not installed, take a look at the webinterface https://repo.kodinerds.net.

@ozzyman: both stations works for me now. I think some other stations may also benefit. Thanks for your hint.
The github links I see appear to be down - and when I tried to install from the repo site there isn't any repo site...
It's just a broken link - the OP managed to chop the final t out of the .net in it.

Hi, thanks for the plugin it works great for me.
Is there a way to add a shortcut in the main menu with the default skin? Thanks
(2020-08-12, 11:32)somy Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, thanks for the plugin it works great for me.
Is there a way to add a shortcut in the main menu with the default skin? Thanks

could you please explain what you mean (main menu of Kodi/Addon, Favorit, key-shortcut or something else?)
(2020-08-12, 12:16)rols1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2020-08-12, 11:32)somy Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, thanks for the plugin it works great for me.
Is there a way to add a shortcut in the main menu with the default skin? Thanks

could you please explain what you mean (main menu of Kodi/Addon, Favorit, key-shortcut or something else?)
Sorry not made myself clear.
I mean in the home menu let the Radio item point to the plugin.
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