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Full Version: [RELEASE] Radio Add-on (rad.io, radio.de, radio.fr, radio.pt, radio.es) Music Plugin
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(2013-04-24, 15:32)slinuxgeek Wrote: [ -> ]This happens with radio.de
When I do
PHP Code:
<control type="label">

It displays Song name of the station but how can I display currently playing station name?

The XBMC Player itself fills its attributes, not the add-on. The Player takes the Infos which come from the stream itself, so you will get the station's name and/or the current playing songs data - depending on the stream.
Thanks for reply sphere !!
but is that mean we can not display the currently playing station name using any other way, if <label>$INFO[Player.Title]</label> is not providing it ?
Please some one reply
(2013-04-27, 16:30)slinuxgeek Wrote: [ -> ]Please some one reply

I already replied.
Hey Sphere

First of all, thanks a lot for creating the plugin.

Since a few weeks ago, I've noticed the Radio Metro' stream (Italian radio station) is not working anymore.

I verified the radio.io website (http://metro.rad.io/) and the link seems to be dead...

Is there any way to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance
(2013-05-14, 14:12)Steven88 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Sphere

First of all, thanks a lot for creating the plugin.

Since a few weeks ago, I've noticed the Radio Metro' stream (Italian radio station) is not working anymore.

I verified the radio.io website (http://metro.rad.io/) and the link seems to be dead...

Is there any way to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance

Best would be if you write a short mail to rad.io ([email protected]).

(2013-05-14, 15:19)sphere Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-05-14, 14:12)Steven88 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Sphere

First of all, thanks a lot for creating the plugin.

Since a few weeks ago, I've noticed the Radio Metro' stream (Italian radio station) is not working anymore.

I verified the radio.io website (http://metro.rad.io/) and the link seems to be dead...

Is there any way to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance

Best would be if you write a short mail to rad.io ([email protected]).


Thx for the quick reply!
I am trying to fire the Internet radio search on click of a button.
What should I write in <onclick> </onclick> of the button so that a keyboard dialog appears, it takes the input and starts searching and displays result on screen.

I tried all of the followings one by one, but no one worked:
PHP Code:
invalid handleargv[1should be a valid handle 

passes hello as argv[1to addon.py but that is not a valid handle hence error
I wanted to check for that argument in addon.py and then call the search function.

here addon receives argv[1] as empty string hence not a valid handle error

does not pass hello as argument to addon.py

xbmc does not understand thisso nothing happens

simply runs the addoncan not tell to do search 

I know that the handle is an integer automatically passed by xbmc as argv[1] to any addon, but then how can I achieve stuffs like this.


wow that was amazing, thank you so much sphere Smile
You're welcome Smile

So I assume that it's working now? (I couldn't test it and typed it freehand)
Hi, with XBMC 12.2 and Radio addon 2.2.0 on both a Windows installation and a Raspbery Pi, I'm having some strange results when trying to play some stations.

For example, when doing a search for "absolute" you get a number of results, the first of which is "Absolute Radio 80s" but when you click on this stream, you actually get Absolute Radio 60s which is next to it in the results set. If you Search by City and choose London, you'll also find Absolute Radio 80s in the result set, if you click on it there, you get Bang Radio which is 3 along from it in the list.

I'm not sure if I'm doing something stupid, any suggestions appreciated!

Many thanks for your great work.
Yes that is working, but why does it happen sphere that sometimes the search does not display any result for the same search string it some times displays result and sometimes not, also tried to search through panel item search.
I can't answer that because searching is actually done server side.
Can you give me an example?
(2013-05-23, 13:50)slinuxgeek Wrote: [ -> ]Yes that is working, but why does it happen sphere that sometimes the search does not display any result for the same search string it some times displays result and sometimes not, also tried to search through panel item search.

Has anyone noticed an issue when in the "My Stations" section of the addon? If I'm in thumbnail view and select a station sometimes it will freeze for an age and suddenly start playing the station to the right of the one I initially selected. No problem whatsoever in "List" view....not sure about the others.