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TeknoJnky Wrote:xbmc live centric article

A link to this article is showing up on the front page of news.google.com today. Shows up regardless of whether the user is logged in.

This article irked me a bit. I think XBMC is the best out there, and was surprised that he mentioned it needed more to qualify as a proper media centre.
not to mention that it's full of errors like claiming xbmc for linux can only read usb 1.1 drives.
GeenStijl.nl (very popular weblog in the Netherlands) recommends XBMC: http://www.geenstijl.nl/mt/archieven/200...anaal.html
Ars Technica is writing about the release. In my mind, nothing spells legitimacy like Ars.

And here's a little piece from Anandtech about CrystalHD.

While not technically about XBMC, this is the press release and a little bit of discussion about the upcoming Boxee Box.

Nothing special about this one. Just a brief intro to XBMC.

XBMC as an default app in a new distro.

More XBMC-love from Lifehacker; this time it's on the various ways to remotely control the media centre

procrastinator Wrote:More XBMC-love from Lifehacker; this time it's on the various ways to remotely control the media centre

Somewhat disappointing that that article makes no reference to the Android platform, especially given the awesome work that's being done on the "official" Android XBMC remote.
Another lifehacker article about running emulators on XBMC.

Check out this company Omek Interactive that makes something similar to Project Natal. They use their technology to control XBMC.

Go to 7:15 for the XBMC part in the first video: