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Full Version: [RELEASE] filecleaner MOD with show selection
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There is a few concerns about the conversion to Frodo.

1) Should it be based on the frodo standard file cleaner or just quickly migrated.
2) With a quick fix the challange is that the language strings are handled in a different much better way in Frodo.
A way that I do not understand. Not sure if we can ignore that since this is not an official add-on.
3) I will likely move to mysql with Frodo which means that I have to move the script with me or stop maintaining it.

My initial hope was that the standard file cleaner would pick up my changes but that does not seem to be the case.
What I might do is to ditch the gui and focus on mysql. Pending somebody else picking up the GUI development.
I might be able to help there. I have been looking for a project to keep busy with. Can you provide a brief outline of the python code? Perhaps it is considered self explanitory <grin>?
Been a while since anyone asked, are anyone working on something like this for frodo?
There seem to be activities here https://github.com/Anthirian/xbmcfilecleaner
Regarding this mod I will probably do something down the line, but I do not see my self continuing with the GUI.
I am bored by GUI development and there is no interest from other developers.

EDIT: The GUI needs to be rewritten to show three lists instead of two. keep/delete & "not set" instead of just keep&delete. It is pretty useless the way it is now.
Personally I am fine with doing this directly in the db rather in a crap GUI.
Ok, tnx for the info. That version was not for me since we have some shows that we keep. Please post here if you get it to work, dont really need the gui im fine doing the setup in an config file. Your little mod of the plugin was really worth alot!
Yes this is the only thing holding me back from upgrading to Frodo.
I have posted a call for developer / new owner.
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