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Full Version: [Request] "Radio" addon integration.
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Wouldn't it be great to tune in to your favorite radio channels without the need of having the tv turned on?

I think this is a great idea. Smile
save them as a pls file and you can access them in file mode thru the remote
Or you could load a .pls or .m3u playlist file with all your radio stations when XBMC starts.

You can then use the skip buttons on your IR remote to choose the right radio station :-)

Can even use the 0-9 keys on the IR remote as presets..
(2012-05-29, 00:35)xeonzor Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Wouldn't it be great to tune in to your favorite radio channels without the need of having the tv turned on?

I think this is a great idea. Smile
This would be really, really awesome and I hope it will be included in the next version..

(2012-05-29, 03:14)wes paich Wrote: [ -> ]save them as a pls file and you can access them in file mode thru the remote
Could you pls. give us an example how to do?

Quote:Could you pls. give us an example how to do?

- Create a new empty Text Document;
- open it and enter the URL of your radio station (e.g. http://streamserver.c-dance.com:8320);
- Close and save the file;
- rename the extension of the file to .pls or .m3u ;
- open the file with the XBMC Remote for Android

I would also like an option to remotely activate a 'Favorite' as last week, the bulb in the DLP went out, and me & the Missus usually listen to BBC Radio 2 (via iPlayer) before we go to work and without a screen, we couldn't navigate to it.

Luckily, we had iPhone4s and an app which gets the internet feed of the station which we airplayed to the ATV. Now that we have Android phones, that doesn't appear to be an option.
read the above post
I have a feature request myself:

I would like to be able to browse through radio stations offered by Shoutcast or ListenLive.

XBMC Remote is currently unable to activate XBMC music plugins by itself.
This thread is already 2 years old, and wishes have not been granted Sad

Today some Android tablets are cheaper than remote controls, and sure make sense as a remote for xbmc. Also, I have just discovered the simplicity of tvheadend as a backend for xbmc - so far I had only used mythtv - and a tablet as rc is easy and working (though it surely can be improved).

Howeve, I would also like to listen to radio stations without having to switch on the TV set. And even when I do, it is quite laborous to select a station. I am using the "radio" add-on (available under music-add-ons), wherin I can set a selection of my local stations.

But to select a station I have to have the TV on, then select Music --> Add-ons --> Radio --> My stations --> (step to my station of choice within the tiles list of stations). There is no way (I can see) to select a station without a picture.

I would like to have a "Radio" button on the remote, and the (tiled) list of stations shown when I hit the Radio button on the tablet.

Would be preferred if this could be integrated into the official xbmc remote, but a seperate app would also be ok.
You may want to try Yatse Wink
(2014-06-24, 21:36)Tolriq Wrote: [ -> ]You may want to try Yatse Wink

Wow! A good start, but it isn't there yet Sad

It took only a couple of touches on yatse to freeze the controlled xbmc frontend to freeze solid - only the big button would help (don't remember what touches I did).

TV and Radio is available via a tiny pvr button, which then lists the available TV and Radio stations, as defined in tvheadend (in my case). However, every time you click the pvr, yatse downloads again all TV and Radio stations. Just switch back and forth between TV and Radion, and it is downloading every time, and every download of my 80 TV stations takes 40 sec!

When you click on any station, xbmc plays this station (whethr tv or radio), then yatse switches back to its remote control layout, and not to the page with the media controls and the info on the station. You want to zap the stations? go back to remote, touck pvr, wait again 40 sec (!), touch the next station, etc.

So far it can not show any internet radio stations, which are available through apps. You still need to switch on the tv, and use yatse as remote. It doesn't look like the paid pro version is better in this respect.

Hopefully it will mature, but so far it is not really useful (beyond remote control)
For the freeze, well I'll need details and logs but it does work for 700 000 users so the problem have 99% chance to lies in your Xbmc installation Sad

For the PVR, there's an option to disable EPG fetching as it is quite slow in the current API.

For Internet radio I do not know what you mean exactly but if they are provided by addons, just go to the addon menu then click on the addon name to browse what it offers, you can then also add it to internal favorites for easier playing.

Anyway there's a dedicated thread for support on Yatse : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=117885
(2014-06-26, 13:37)Tolriq Wrote: [ -> ]For the freeze, well I'll need details and logs but it does work for 700 000 users so the problem have 99% chance to lies in your Xbmc installation Sad
I'm afraid I can't reproduce this, as I were only fiddling for learning. But with the interplay of tvheadend, xbmc, yatse on three different computers, I guess many things can go wrong.

(2014-06-26, 13:37)Tolriq Wrote: [ -> ]For the PVR, there's an option to disable EPG fetching as it is quite slow in the current API.
Where do I find this? Under the settings of yatsee I only find "Special Commands", with no further option to change any settings

(2014-06-26, 13:37)Tolriq Wrote: [ -> ]For Internet radio I do not know what you mean exactly but if they are provided by addons, just go to the addon menu then click on the addon name to browse what it offers, you can then also add it to internal favorites for easier playing.
I am using "radio" from Tristan Fischer ([email protected]), version 2.3.0. On further playing along I found you are supporting this already (under library->extensions). However, It takes 4 touches to get to my custom stations (which do load very fast!). Then one touch, and my station plays! But then it doesn't tell me, what is running, unless I go back to the front pages.

I myself could handle this, but I won't want to enquire on the WAF Blush
(2014-06-26, 13:37)Tolriq Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway there's a dedicated thread for support on Yatse : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=117885
3000 posts in 2.5 years - that'll keep you busy Wink

My wish: bring the station selector more to the front, and show on the same page the running title.
On Yatse there's a left menu with a settings buttons Smile There's tons of settings to make Yatse act as you want.

As I said to avoid navigation just add your favorites channels to Yatse favorites for instant access in File mode.
In the same left menu you have a now playing part accessible from all over the app.

There's a complete Wiki : http://yatse.leetzone.org/redmine/projec...idget/wiki that explains all that and much much more.