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Full Version: Move .xbmc/userdata/ to separate partition
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Hi All,

I am on Ubuntu 11.04 with XBMC Eden. This is a fresh install of XBMC. I also have Windows XP on a dual boot on this same laptop.

I have a 52 GB partition free which is accessible from within Ubuntu.

What I am trying to achieve is as follows:
1. Move default XBMC path from $HOME/.xbmc/userdata/ to this new partition.
OR if this is not possible, then
2. Fresh install of XBMC with its default .xbmc/userdata/ path pointing to this new partition.

Please guide me on doing this.

why don't you simply mount the partition at that folder?
or just symlink .xbmc to the new place and copy over the data.
Thanks a lot for a quick response.

I am a complete newbie with Ubuntu / Linux. I would be obliged if you could share the exact steps to be performed to do this.

Thanks a lot.
ln -s <destination> <linkname>
(2012-06-03, 17:40)blittan Wrote: [ -> ]ln -s <destination> <linkname>

Thanks, but where do I type this? What is to be used for linkname? Please provide some example. Would be much appreciated.
(2012-06-03, 17:45)koolpal Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-06-03, 17:40)blittan Wrote: [ -> ]ln -s <destination> <linkname>

Thanks, but where do I type this? What is to be used for linkname? Please provide some example. Would be much appreciated.

You do that command from the directory you want to put the symlink in.

So let's say we want a folder called Videos right in your home directory that contains the files in /mnt/storage/movies

You would go to your home directory and type 'ln -s /mnt/storage/movies Videos'

Now you have a folder called Videos but it really takes you to /mnt/storage/movies when you go to it.
I think you want this:
STOP XBMC if running

# change into the xbmc location
cd $HOME/.xbmc

# rename userdata to something else for a moment
cd ..
mv userdata userdata.b4

# create symbolic link to partition
ln -s /path/to/52gb/partition userdata

# now copy userdata stuff back
cp -r userdata.b4/* userdata/

Start up XBMC and see if all looks ok
If it does not, STOP XBMC
cd $HOME/.xbmc
rm userdata
mv userdata.b4 userdata
...and your back to normal

If XBMC does look ok after the symlink then you can clean up
cd $HOME/.xbmc
rm -rf userdata.b4

hope this helps
Thank you very very much atari800!! God bless you!!

This is EXACTLY the kind of step by step help I needed! These steps worked perfectly for me.

I hope this helps others too!

Once again, thank you!