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Anyone uses this one for coding? Just downloaded it and it works a lot better imo then notepad++.
Already started with a custom autocompletion file for xbmc, which works great.

Can be downloaded here:
I've posted my XML.sublime-completions file on http://pastebin.com/5fem4rqW .This one is located in C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\XML

And this is in my User settings file.

    "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme",
    "auto_complete_triggers": [ {"selector": "text.xml", "characters": "<"} ]

Autocompletion will open with typing a <.
I've just had a quick play with it - it's nice and easy on the eyes - and I like the sound of the auto-complete feature but don't know yet if we can use it for XBMC style controls.
I've edited my post because the pastebin url was wrong.

What do you mean by:

(2012-10-13, 17:04)Hitcher Wrote: [ -> ]I like the sound of the auto-complete feature but don't know yet if we can use it for XBMC style controls.

When typing <control you get a list of all the types for easy selection.

PHP Code:
<control type="label" id="1">
control type="image" id="1">
(2012-10-13, 12:32)Amelandbor Wrote: [ -> ]I've posted my XML.sublime-completions file on http://pastebin.com/5fem4rqW .This one is located in C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\XML

What should this be saved as?
As XML.sublime-completions

And I haven't found a solution for control to get multiple selections, but it is possible.
Cheers, auto-complete is great. Big Grin
I have a workaround for the control issue. You can type the first (or two) letter and it will autocomplete the word. I would like to see a dropdown list with all available tags but I think that would need some python coding.

Here is the new completions file:

@ Hitcher: perhaps adding a link to this in your "Skinning for beginners" thread?
autocompletion is very nice! rep+.

I created a repo on github for the autocompletion file. Let me know which tags you want to have added to the list.
Updated at Github, added
"Container.Content(tvshows)", "Container.Content(seasons)",     "Container.Content(episodes)", "Container.Content(movies)"
The autocomplete list for these will only appear if you hit CTRL+Space.
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