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Full Version: [RELEASE] CNN Live
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This plugin is in the same vein as the Fox News Live plugin.

I like to throw on the news when I'm goofing around the house but I don't like having to pick and choose what news clips to watch, or queue a whole bunch before playing them.

So I wrote this script to grab the latest videos from the CNN, create a play list and start playing it automatically. While it is playing it will poll every 5 minutes for new videos and if any are found they will be added next in the play list (queue). That's about it, simple.

Now, with a couple of clicks from the home screen I'm watching the latest news videos from CNN!

(The list of videos comes from the awesome Navi-X plugin).

Git link: https://github.com/Rooster242/plugin.video.cnn.live

Thanks for the add-on! Just tried it briefly and it worked as expected. I saw a notification when a new video was added (nice touch) and I like the fact that it plays clips automatically one-after-another (like real TV) or I can interrupt the current video to see the playlist and pick a specific clip to play on-demand. Nice job on this!
Is there a way to enter cable provider credentials to watch CNN live, like I can on my pc/iPad?