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Full Version: Scraping Music Videos?
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hi all,
when trying to scrape my Music Videos (There are folders with Concert Names conatining same name of the files in it - I am using the option "folder names to lookup") with "Last.fm" or "TheAudioDB.com" I always get when updating this section:
"Could not download information
Unable to connect to remote server
Would you like to continue scanning
Y / N"
..the rest of my sections music, movies, tv-shows are beeing scraped fine..

many thanks in advance!
Are you using Artist - Title.mpg (Artist space dash space Title.ext)
I had to manually do most of mine Sad
I have the same problem - even though I try to follow the naming-rule given by "backspace".

Music Video: Perihelion with Deep Purple.
The Video_TS-folder and Audio_TS-folder are placed in a folder named : "Deep.Purple - Perihelion".

The Deep Purple - Perihelion folder seems to be recognized by both scrapers Last.fm and TheAudioBd.com (I say this because the library-updating proces shortly shows the folder-name in the top left corner of the screen) but still I get the message, that XMBC is unable to connect to remote server. My scrapers for Movies and TV-shows runs perfectly

Please comment someone - thanks

I use XMBC ver 12 (Frodo) and Windows 8
I haven't got any music videos in video_ts format. Just a suggestion try moving the ts folders out and put a mpg in and rename it Deep purple - perihelion and see if it pick it up (I know it will play the wrong video but at least you will know it can work)
thank so very much for paying attention to my problem - I am a 53 years old man from Denmark and not exactly born with this kind of technology.

It seems I had the term MusicVideos confused with Music-DVDs and it is the latter that I am seeking fanarts/information to. When I define my Music-DVDs as Movies (and not as Music Videos), the movie-scraper finds the wanted infos (at least most of the time).

Once Again - thanks and all the best !!