Ive downloaded the latest RC and PM3.HD doesnt appear to be there. Nor is it in the skins repository that can be accessed by the XBMC install. How would i go about loading this excellent skin into the latest build?
Looking for the same! Cant use xbmc without it!
Update: got it to work, by downloading the latest PM3.HD skin manually (google for skin.pm3-hd-2.1.1.zip).
Copy the contents of the zipfile to the directory that contains the other addons. In my case /home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/
After a reboot of XBMCbuntu, I could choose the new skin.
I donĀ“t know the real consequences of this action. But all the functions that I use seem to be working, so I am happy!
Gratefull "thank you" to JezzX!
(2013-01-12, 17:13)demesmaeker Wrote: [ -> ]Copy the contents of the zipfile to the directory that contains the other addons. In my case /home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/
Thanks for this. I got mine by clicking on the 'zip' button here:
And I agree, I won't use XBMC without it.
(2013-01-20, 08:25)blaher Wrote: [ -> ] (2013-01-12, 17:13)demesmaeker Wrote: [ -> ]Copy the contents of the zipfile to the directory that contains the other addons. In my case /home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/
Thanks for this. I got mine by clicking on the 'zip' button here: https://github.com/JezzX/skin.pm3-hd
And I agree, I won't use XBMC without it.
Created an account just to say thank you to you two -- I downloaded my zip from the github as blaher suggested, uploading now, and I can't wait to have my XBMC actually *LOOK* like XBMC!
(This confluence thing is just plain horrible.)
Can't believe I've never found this magnificent skin before. Was looking for a good vertical menu skin for Frodo, none of the default available ones did the trick for me.
Thanks for the info on making it available by copying the zip file contents into the addons folder - did this on 2 Win 7 PCs, and love it!
(2013-01-30, 18:29)jivauk Wrote: [ -> ]Can't believe I've never found this magnificent skin before. Was looking for a good vertical menu skin for Frodo, none of the default available ones did the trick for me.
Yes, but this great skin is not uptodate with FRODO. I there anyone working on this?
At least PVR is not implemented, library updates are invisible and it seems to use the wrong grafics some time (At least for DVD covers)
I really would hate it if I would have to switch to another skin.
(2013-02-01, 13:11)Jezz_X Wrote: [ -> ]I am working on it
Great to hear, thanks a lot
(2013-02-01, 13:11)Jezz_X Wrote: [ -> ]I am working on it
Great news! What's kept me going from an October 3rd prealpha version of Frodo to the current stable official v12 is certain things in the PM3.HD skin being broken by the new way Frodo does things now, like invisible library updates and using DVD covers in place of banners when in the TV Show part of the library.
Jezz, I've actually further tweaked PM3.HD for my own use (subtle stuff really) so will there be any way to tell which XML files you've updated and which stay the same? This way I can download the Frodo compliant version you're making when it's done, and then hopefully just drop the few modified XMLs over from the current version to keep all my little mods without breaking anything.
And as a side note, I can't stand Confluence either. Every version it seems to get worse. I figured I'd like the black/blue scheme as it reminds me of ICS/Jellybean, but I just don't get along with it. I think not being able to disable animations (as far as I can see) really kills it, because I like to disable any and all animations on any devices I own, to speed things up and remove the pointless window dressing. PM3.HD is nice and slick and just does a quick fade in/out between different parts of the skin when you disable animations, which I like. Been using it since it came out on the Xbox version years ago and just don't think it's XBMC without it!
There are going to be lots of files changed lots has changed since eden and frodo in terms of compatibility the actual skin will not get anything new (other than pvr) but there are lots of changes under the hood.
But you will be able to see a complete list of changes in git hub
P.S guys bashing on Confluence is not a way to encourage me since I made that one as well
(2013-02-02, 05:15)Jezz_X Wrote: [ -> ]P.S guys bashing on Confluence is not a way to encourage me since I made that one as well
Everybody makes mistakes...
-- anyway, we all got together and voted -- we decided that you should just put Confluence on the back burner and only concentrate on PM3-HD going forward!
(Just teasing of course!
Quote:Been using it since it came out on the Xbox version years ago and just don't think it's XBMC without it!
Agreed! -- I like to run it with animations though, I like it when it looks smooth. And honestly, I don't really have any technical issues with confluence... it just doesn't look like XBMC anymore... and I don't like that. Too many good memories with PM3.
I like XBMC. Honestly, if my old XBOX based XBMC could still play the newer file formats that are coming out... I'd still be running it.
(2013-02-02, 05:15)Jezz_X Wrote: [ -> ]P.S guys bashing on Confluence is not a way to encourage me since I made that one as well
Oops! While I figuratively remove my foot from my mouth and apologise I will point out that part of the reason I dislike Confluence is because PM3.HD is near perfect - probably my favourite UI. No other media centre interface does that great "Fanart with list" view. With only a few minor tweaks this skin will do for the next decade of XBMC I hope!
I'm also very pleased to hear that PM3.HD will be available for Frodo. Thank you!