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Full Version: Amlogic TV Box with XBMC 1080P Playback
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Please don't fremar, the vendors are internet pirates, freeloading off the work of thousands of contributors to the linux kernel.
I just got one of these units and have serious problems with it.

On all MKV files I have tested with AC3 or DTS tracks, there is a hissing static noise every 2 or 3 seconds. This happens with both the built-in video player and MX player. I have read that this problem exists with other Amlogic players and that Amlogic has released a patch for other players to fix the problem. I guess the problem has not been fixed for the Tronsmart Prometheus. (I have already upgraded to the latest firmware as of this date and the problem still exists.)

Also, I have been unable to get 1080p h264 from a USB drive working smoothly with either the built-in video player or MX player. More testing is required but I suspect the hw decoding is not enabled.

As the above problems makes these files (of which the majority of my library consists of) unwatchable, I recommend anyone considering this device to wait for a fix first.

The other problem I have discovered is that the USB ports appear to have problems providing sufficient power to some hard drives. (Flash drives are ok.) I am guessing this from the repeated spin-up/down noises I hear from the affected drives and sluggish response when reading the drive.
"On all MKV files I have tested with AC3 or DTS tracks, there is a hissing static noise every 2 or 3 seconds."

^^ that's because Vissontech does not have a license to decode ac3 or dts and the audio dsp fimware files are 'crippled' with repeating one second of static every 2 second of audio. In the past, things were a little lose on getting the correct firmware files, however, now, AmLogic cannot release a patch for this as it would violate their licensing with DD (ac3) and DTS. And since the firmware files MUST match code in the kernel, it is un-wise to mix and match firmware files to different kernels.

USB ports can only supply 500mA of power, period. If your external disk exceeds this, it's not a USB port problem.
(2013-01-22, 05:05)davilla Wrote: [ -> ]^^ that's because Vissontech does not have a license to decode ac3 or dts and the audio dsp fimware files are 'crippled' with repeating one second of static every 2 second of audio.

Thanks for that info! You have saved me alot of time... I have searched extensively but this is the first time I have read that the static noise is due to intentional crippling of the ac3/dts codec files. If I had known this I would never have purchased what is now a worthless paperweight.

Does XBMC on Android use its own audio decoding libraries so that it is able to playback the ac3/dts audio tacks without static?
Newest SW has been available. problem of youtube & netflix has been modified. www.tronsmart.com will update the newest information.
you can also write yo tronsmart.prometheus@Vissontech.com for the SW.

this would be the final SW of 4.1.2, and we will release 4.2 OS bottom of this month.

about USB problem, Davilla is right for the explain above.

Would you please provide me with the source of your linux kernel? A download link will be fine.
well, a good TV box with cool face ,name after THE GREECE HERO,i'd like to request here that do this
kind of TV box can play a HD movie online ? what about the price,do it go free shopping,thanks for a lot ?
(2013-01-23, 09:48)MR.ET Wrote: [ -> ]well, a good TV box with cool face ,name after THE GREECE HERO,i'd like to request here that do this
kind of TV box can play a HD movie online ? what about the price,do it go free shopping,thanks for a lot ?

I couldn't understand what you meant, so I ran it through this translator.

"Expectations that the economy of the Greek identity of the video online TV, HD TV, Meubles can be a hero? Then at the same level, not so much."

It wasn't really helpfull. Confused

Man I love that translator.
Regarding the problem with the static on AC3 / DTS audio tracks, I received an email reply from Vissiontech simply asking me to install the latest firmware.

Well, I did (Build number 20130118) and it is still NOT fixed.

Sigh, guess I might be overly optimistic that there will ever be a solution...
(2013-01-24, 17:31)stopspam Wrote: [ -> ]Sigh, guess I might be overly optimistic that there will ever be a solution...

Only solution is if they pay for Licences.

If they can't comply with their obligations under the GPL, what do you think the chances of them paying for a licence is?

Send it back as faulty and go buy a Pivos.

Cheers, Des.
When is this static with dts a problem? If u want the sound via HDMI to a reciever that decodes dts is it a problem then?
Just don't use the box - the manufacturers are copyright pirates and thieves.
(2013-01-24, 22:50)nickr Wrote: [ -> ]Just don't use the box - the manufacturers are copyright pirates and thieves.

Well I'm getting a box for free so I will use it anyway, but I hope that they pay for the DTS licens and release the source code for the kernel off course.
Since I have paid for the box already, not using it would be a last resort for me and money down the drain.
I am in contact with the Chinese reseller and getting them to push the manufacturer to resolve the problem.

Still keeping my fingers crossed...
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