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Full Version: Artwork Downloader - Music fanart not being downloaded
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I'm getting the fanart showing for movies/tv shows from the main menu and when browsing the individual files.

I'm not however getting anything for Music, it just shows a black screen when the Music section is highlighted on the main screen and doesn't show any backgrounds when browsing through the artist/album/song.

It doesn't appear artwork downloader is downloading the artwork though, any ideas?
It's not for music I think (just reading the wiki).
Thanks Vaikin, I've downloaded cdArt manager, either something's not right here or I'm doing something incredibly stupid, unfortunately it's probably the latter.

I'm still not getting music fanart showing on the main menu or on individual songs/albums/artists, yet I can see that the fanart has been downloaded in cdArt Manager.

I'm using Aeon MQ4, I can't remember how I set fanart for Movies & TV Shows but it can't of been that hard as I did it first time.

Any help would be appreciated
Solved, admittedly due to my stupidity - as expected.

XBMC/Aeon MQ4 looks at the: "userdata/thumbnails/music/fanart" by default, where as I'd set cdArt Manager to look at the root of my music folder. As soon as I changed this folder in cdArt settings it picked the artwork up fine.