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Full Version: Frodo SSH working but no SFTP....
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Not sure what the deal is here. I just did a fresh install of XBMCBuntu Frodo on my Acer Revo 1600. I am able to ssh to the new installation just fine from a terminal on my linux mint laptop, but I am unable to connect via SFTP. Before, when I had Eden (and all previous versions) I was able to connect via SFTP using WinSCP on windows, Cyberduck on Mac, or just straight out of Nautilus/Nemo on linux mint by choosing connect to server and choosing SFTP, port 22, & entering the UN/PW. When I try to do this on my mint laptop now, it just times out. However, I can successfully SSH with the same credentials from a terminal window from the same machine.

The keys are stored on the machine your trying to connect and they need to be cleared.

Have a google how to clear SSH host keys.

Thanks for the info. I discovered that just after posting. I didn't think that was the issue initially because I was able to SSH from terminal., and SFTP just timed out using the host name. I tried to SFTP using the IP address, and then it complained about the keys. I just went into .ssh folder in my home folder and rename the known_hosts file and it connected right up.
