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Full Version: no video playing strm file
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I'm pretty new to xbmc. Still testing it on the raspberry pi and enthousiast about it.
But found one issue and no clue on solving it or where to look for it.
When I play a stream (placed the url in a .strm file) I can hear the audio but no video.
Tried couple of streams which are working when using the same url on my windows laptop.
Same problem is with the tuxbox stream from my dreambox.

Anyone got an idea on getting the moviestream working?

debug log (wiki)
thnx good point. placed it on dropbox: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/57286107/xbmc.log
Got the issue on both openelec and xbian.
One of the streams I was testing works when I use another player.
Unfortunately not the one I really want to so offcourse,
You are using Raspberry Pi and the video in that stream is VC1. To keep costs down on the R-Pi you have to buy a license for VC1 in order to playback that video. See Raspberry Pi FAQ (wiki) and http://www.raspberrypi.com/vc-1-license-key/
Ordered the license together with the mpeg2 license key. Have to wait for the license now.
thnx for the quick support.

Just received the serials. quick copy paste and everything works incl the dreambox.