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Full Version: Adding TV Guide button to the Home Screen
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I'm trying to add a button that will lunch TV Guide directly from the Home Screen and I'm failing. I'm using stock Confulence on XBMC 11.
I added the following to the Home.xml

<item id="99">
   <label>TV Guide</label>
   <onclick>ActivateWindow(Programs,Addons,TV Guide)</onclick>

It will take me to the PROGRAMS but I still need to click on TV Guide. I also tried this:

but no go.
I would really appreciate if you could help me out.
Thank you
Welcome to the XBMC forums.

Try the following:
  1. Select PROGRAMS on the homepage
  2. Highlight the TV Guide add-on, open its context menu (keyboard "c" or right mouse click) and select "Add to favourites"
  3. Locate and open your favourites.xml (wiki) file in your userdata (wiki) directory using a text editor
  4. The last statement in the file should be the one for the favourite you just added for the TV Guide add-on. Copy the text that is in between the <favourite name=...> and </favourite> tags on that statement and paste it in between the <onclick> and </onclick> tags of your Home.xml file.
Brilliant !

<item id="99">
   <label>TV Guide</label>

Thank You !