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Full Version: Artwork Downloader not 'limiting' with option set
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I noticed that on an 8GB SD and after a brand new install, that after adding all my tv and movie data, the sd was showing almost no space. The external HDD also showed a drop of space (about 3GB). So I decided to start fresh, make sure no art other than banners, posters and fanart would download (excluding actor, clear art and logos) and also double checked I had 'limit' set to 5.
I just re-flashed and reloaded some of my movies. All of the movies added had as much artwork downloaded as was available on TMDB, despite being limited.
Prior to reflash I had deleted 1643 images from my external. I am unfortunatley leery about adding the rest of my content as it's not going to limit. The Amazing Spider-Man downloaded 30 or 40 images just itself....please someone help me.

Running current (03/24/2013) RaspBMC and default confluence skin.

Another thought, When you go to "Choose art", is every image listed just a thumbnail or the full image? if so is there a way to safely remove all thumbnails without messing up library art and any other areas.
Try removing and re-installing Artwork Downloader? THis won't help the root of your problem, but raising the minimum rating for Artwork will hell lower your numbers...