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Hello phil65. I have done so and it is working. Thanks!
Why doesn't this work in Jarvis? It always loads a wrong movie when I wanna see some info on a movie I'm about to watch.
Debug log?
That´s not a debug log (wiki).

Amateur skinner here. Can anyone tell me how I can retrieve the box office information for the currently displayed item (ListItem.Title) and display it in a label?

I've tried various combinations but think I am a mile off in terms of what I am doing :/

Would appreciate any help, thanks.
After this changes in git hub
this code doesent work for skin AeonMQ6.
PHP Code:

before this changes Trailer was started from home menu with this command, now is broken and Kodi freez.
In dialogs script video all work as should.....only Starting from home is broken.
This error is just for widget provided by your script extendedInfo...all widget have problem
I have have script.module.autocompletion and script.module.t9.dialog installed.

PHP Code:
22:23:23 T:3284   ERROREXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
Error Contents: global name 'get_trailer' is not defined
(most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py"line 91in <module>
File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py"line 21in __init__
File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\process.py"line 512in start_info_actions
NameError: global name 'get_trailer' is not defined
-->End of Python script error report<--
22:23:23 T:3616   ERRORPlayMedia could not play mediaplugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=playtrailer&&dbid=41 
true, got broken when refactoring stuff. Should be fixed with https://github.com/phil65/script.extende...aaf97db557
You have quickest fixed in this year.....working , tnx
Small heads up @ skinners: Since I have to clean up all my old crappy code, some stuff gets shifted around in the process. For Jarvis+, please use my new "plugin.program.autocompletion" (listed in "programs" category) for the AutoCompletion stuff instead of ExtendedInfo.


It´s available on our official repo.
I will remove AutoCompletion functionality from ExtendedInfo for next release.
(2016-01-13, 03:27)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]Small heads up @ skinners: Since I have to clean up all my old crappy code, some stuff gets shifted around in the process. For Jarvis+, please use my new "plugin.program.autocompletion" (listed in "programs" category) for the AutoCompletion stuff instead of ExtendedInfo.


It´s available on our official repo.
I will remove AutoCompletion functionality from ExtendedInfo for next release.

great, 10x.
did you noticed the problem I mentioned Here ?
hey man, first of all great work on that script.
i'm using titan skin and some error pop up, i post in skin author but he recommend post in here since a lot of errors pop up on this script can you please check?

I have Windows 10 with Kodi 15.2 and titan 3.5.61.

Here is my log file

http://pastebin.com/2VVyaqVd (i use pastebin, because i can't make Kodi log upload work).
(2016-01-13, 03:27)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]Small heads up @ skinners: Since I have to clean up all my old crappy code, some stuff gets shifted around in the process. For Jarvis+, please use my new "plugin.program.autocompletion" (listed in "programs" category) for the AutoCompletion stuff instead of ExtendedInfo.


It´s available on our official repo.
I will remove AutoCompletion functionality from ExtendedInfo for next release.

Hi Phil.

Do you mean script.module.autocompletion?

I can't quite seem to find the other one in the repo, although it's listed at your Github.
Sorry if this was asked before but I couldn't find it. Extended Info addon always display "updates available" but I click and it does nothing. I'm using Isendard latest stable version. Thanks!

Is there a way to open up extendedinfo script mod as you load a profile or enter Kodi- not as you access it through a shortcut (list view starting upcoming movies. etc...) the actual way the program launches?
