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Full Version: script.extendedinfo
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Phil can you add this missing Art for TVShow (in all version.LocalDB.py)

'clearart': tvshow["art"].get('clearart', ""),
                     'characterart': tvshow["art"].get('characterart', ""),
(2016-06-14, 19:04)Angelinas Wrote: [ -> ]Phil can you add this missing Art for TVShow (in all version.LocalDB.py)

'clearart': tvshow["art"].get('clearart', ""),
                     'characterart': tvshow["art"].get('characterart', ""),

Should work in krypton version.
Phil, did you see my pull request about french language file ?
was merged some time ago already.
(2016-06-16, 12:28)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]?
was merged some time ago already.

Yes but not merged correctly.

'resource.language.fr_fr' is not a folder with the language file inside.

See my issue : https://github.com/phil65/script.extendedinfo/issues/42
Hi Phil.

Using Krypton and latest official and git version, it seems the youtubebrowser call
is calling the old window names.

The log says
Error Contents: XML File for Window is missing
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Gade\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\default.py", line 63, in <module>
                                              File "C:\Users\Gade\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\default.py", line 37, in __init__
                                                listitems = process.start_info_actions(info, self.params)
                                              File "C:\Users\Gade\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\process.py", line 325, in start_info_actions
                                                wm.open_youtube_list(search_str=params.get("id", ""))
                                              File "C:\Users\Gade\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\WindowManager.py", line 208, in open_youtube_list
                                            RuntimeError: XML File for Window is missing
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

If I rename the window to script-ExtendedInfo Script-YoutubeList.xml everything works, but the new naming schemes (script-script.extendedinfo-YoutubeList.xml) leads to the error.
yup, youre right. Fixed on GIT.
Thanks a bunch Wink
Never noticed that you've merged your youtube browser to ExtendedInfo. Great!
What about the "My account" button in your existing xml? On my side it's out of function. Is this feature wip, broken or can I remove that button in my layout?
(2016-06-18, 10:30)sualfred Wrote: [ -> ]Never noticed that you've merged your youtube browser to ExtendedInfo. Great!
What about the "My account" button in your existing xml? On my side it's out of function. Is this feature wip, broken or can I remove that button in my layout?

The code for youtube was always part of ExtendedInfo, the youtube script basically contains no code except one call to ExtendedInfo with specific parameters.

The "My account" button is unused for now so it's fine to remove it for the time being, I am not sure when I will be able to get into that again. Too much to do atm with other scripts / estuary / reviewing add-ons / fiddling in core etc.
Hi Phil,

Thanks again for ExtendedInfo and the YouTube Browser, I've noticed the following issue with the latest update. Can be reproduced in Estuary as follows.

1) View program addons in Widelist view.
2) Open ExtendedInfo or YouTube Browswer.
3) Upon returning to the program addons list, the view is changed to Wall.

Is it possible to prevent the view mode of the program addons windows from changing? I've only noticed this with ExtendedInfo and YouTube Browser, haven't been able to reproduce with other program addons. Thanks!
(2016-06-16, 19:17)Guilouz Wrote: [ -> ]
(2016-06-16, 12:28)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]?
was merged some time ago already.

Yes but not merged correctly.

'resource.language.fr_fr' is not a folder with the language file inside.

See my issue : https://github.com/phil65/script.extendedinfo/issues/42

Well, then your PR was wrong Wink Will fix it.
phil65. noticing constant crashing of the script using any of the 5.+ releases on just about any skin. This happen mainly when selecting a actor thumbnail from within the main Kodi interface. I can run extended info by running the addon directly without a crash.

Dropping back to 4.6+ version fixes the problem.

Hopefully pertinent info pasted below:

12:02:50 T:1184 ERROR: Couldn't load font name: Font-MusicOSD(robotocondensed-regular.ttf), trying to substitute arial.ttf
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: mainmenu-position-and-appearance
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Trying to add unsupported control type 1
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Previous line repeats 30 times.
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: initialize done
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: Running the application...
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Started
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: starting upnp client
12:02:50 T:6720 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
12:02:50 T:6720 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
12:02:51 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> skin helper service version 1.0.90 started
12:02:51 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> WebService - start helper webservice on port 52307
12:02:51 T:6872 ERROR: CImageLoader:Big GrinoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.coloured/
12:02:51 T:5304 WARNING: XFILE::CDirectoryFactory::Create - unsupported protocol(androidapp) in androidapp://sources/apps/
12:02:54 T:5304 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting pvr://channels/tv/All channels/
12:02:54 T:5304 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting pvr://channels/radio/All channels/
12:03:02 T:1184 ERROR: PlayMedia could not play media: plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=extendedinfo&&id=269149
12:03:02 T:4072 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
12:03:02 T:4072 ERROR: EXCEPTION: argument "text" for method "textviewer" must be unicode or str
12:03:02 T:4072 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: argument "text" for method "textviewer" must be unicode or str
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py", line 157, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py", line 32, in __init__
listitems = process.start_info_actions(info, self.params)
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\process.py", line 348, in start_info_actions
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\WindowManager.py", line 69, in open_movie_info
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\WindowManager.py", line 213, in open_infodialog
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\WindowManager.py", line 222, in open_dialog
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.module.kodi65\lib\kodi65\utils.py", line 81, in check_version
text=read_from_file(addon.CHANGELOG, True))
TypeError: argument "text" for method "textviewer" must be unicode or str
-->End of Python script error report<--
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: Saving settings
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: Saving skin settings
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: stop all
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: stop player
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: stopping upnp
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Stopped
12:03:17 T:6720 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
12:03:17 T:1184 FATAL: C:\Program Files\Kodi\addons\peripheral.joystick\peripheral.joystick.dll is a system dll and should never be released
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: clean cached files!
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Shutdown requested !
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> BackgroundsUpdater - stop called
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> ListItemMonitor - stop called
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> WebService - stop called
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> skin helper service version 1.0.90 stopped
12:03:18 T:1184 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
12:03:19 T:1184 NOTICE: stopped
12:03:19 T:1184 NOTICE: destroy
12:03:19 T:1184 NOTICE: unload skin
12:03:20 T:1184 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10016 from the window manager when it didn't exist
12:03:20 T:1184 NOTICE: unload sections
12:03:20 T:1184 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
12:03:20 T:1184 NOTICE: application stopped...
12:03:20 T:1184 FATAL: /libcurl.dll is a system dll and should never be released
12:03:20 T:1184 FATAL: /cpluff.dll is a system dll and should never be released
12:03:20 T:1184 FATAL: /libcec.dll is a system dll and should never be released
(2016-06-19, 20:00)Hardax Wrote: [ -> ]phil65. noticing constant crashing of the script using any of the 5.+ releases on just about any skin. This happen mainly when selecting a actor thumbnail from within the main Kodi interface. I can run extended info by running the addon directly without a crash.

Dropping back to 4.6+ version fixes the problem.

Hopefully pertinent info pasted below:

12:02:50 T:1184 ERROR: Couldn't load font name: Font-MusicOSD(robotocondensed-regular.ttf), trying to substitute arial.ttf
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: mainmenu-position-and-appearance
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Trying to add unsupported control type 1
12:02:50 T:1184 WARNING: Previous line repeats 30 times.
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: initialize done
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: Running the application...
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Started
12:02:50 T:1184 NOTICE: starting upnp client
12:02:50 T:6720 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
12:02:50 T:6720 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
12:02:51 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> skin helper service version 1.0.90 started
12:02:51 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> WebService - start helper webservice on port 52307
12:02:51 T:6872 ERROR: CImageLoader:Big GrinoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.studios.coloured/
12:02:51 T:5304 WARNING: XFILE::CDirectoryFactory::Create - unsupported protocol(androidapp) in androidapp://sources/apps/
12:02:54 T:5304 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting pvr://channels/tv/All channels/
12:02:54 T:5304 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting pvr://channels/radio/All channels/
12:03:02 T:1184 ERROR: PlayMedia could not play media: plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=extendedinfo&&id=269149
12:03:02 T:4072 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
12:03:02 T:4072 ERROR: EXCEPTION: argument "text" for method "textviewer" must be unicode or str
12:03:02 T:4072 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: argument "text" for method "textviewer" must be unicode or str
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py", line 157, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py", line 32, in __init__
listitems = process.start_info_actions(info, self.params)
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\process.py", line 348, in start_info_actions
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\WindowManager.py", line 69, in open_movie_info
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\WindowManager.py", line 213, in open_infodialog
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\WindowManager.py", line 222, in open_dialog
File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.module.kodi65\lib\kodi65\utils.py", line 81, in check_version
text=read_from_file(addon.CHANGELOG, True))
TypeError: argument "text" for method "textviewer" must be unicode or str
-->End of Python script error report<--
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: Saving settings
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: Saving skin settings
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: stop all
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: stop player
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: stopping upnp
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Stopped
12:03:17 T:6720 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
12:03:17 T:1184 FATAL: C:\Program Files\Kodi\addons\peripheral.joystick\peripheral.joystick.dll is a system dll and should never be released
12:03:17 T:1184 NOTICE: clean cached files!
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Shutdown requested !
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> BackgroundsUpdater - stop called
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> ListItemMonitor - stop called
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> WebService - stop called
12:03:17 T:6036 NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> skin helper service version 1.0.90 stopped
12:03:18 T:1184 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
12:03:19 T:1184 NOTICE: stopped
12:03:19 T:1184 NOTICE: destroy
12:03:19 T:1184 NOTICE: unload skin
12:03:20 T:1184 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10016 from the window manager when it didn't exist
12:03:20 T:1184 NOTICE: unload sections
12:03:20 T:1184 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
12:03:20 T:1184 NOTICE: application stopped...
12:03:20 T:1184 FATAL: /libcurl.dll is a system dll and should never be released
12:03:20 T:1184 FATAL: /cpluff.dll is a system dll and should never be released
12:03:20 T:1184 FATAL: /libcec.dll is a system dll and should never be released

yup, caused by changes in latest nightlies. will get fixed.
I just found this script and it is great! Love the look and love all the extra data that it provides.

one question -- is it possible to have the script load by default? Or is the designed purpose of the script to be run on an as needed / wanted basis?

Again great work!