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I'm getting the error Script failed! when trying to run Extended Info Script.

I am using a mySQL database when I get the error. If I use a local database I do not get the error and it works just fine.

Here is the Debug Log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=259244

XBMC 13.1
MQ5 skin
Windows 8.1

Anything I can do to get it to work on MySQL ?

Thanks in advance.


i installed Extended Info for the first time yesterday in Gotham and Aeon MQ5. No error whatsoever.

I updated everything (took hours) , but i do not see any changes , especially Movie sets or so ...

Am i missing something ? Is there something else i need to do ?


Same here. Installed ExtendedInfo Script in XBMC and nothing happens.
I use Media Companion to scrape posters, actors, extrathumbs, etc.
I use Artwork Downloader inside XBMC to scrape the disc.png, banner.png and logo.png art files.
Everything works fine until then. My movie list shows as expected in XBMC using Aeon MQ5 and its Right List view.
My movie posters, information and blu-ray boxes with the discs sliding out and spinning around are correctly displayed.
What I do next is I click Programs - ExtendedInfo - UPDATE ALL. The script shows running activity.
XBMC is set up to show movie collections and they show as expected with the "saga" label.
I see a blu-ray box (eg Alien Resurection if i choose the Alien collection) but no info and no rotating discs
If i enter a collection, every movie inside shows up fine (boxes + dicsc + info).
What did i miss ?

Thanks for your help.
For fix script for use in gotham, need

1. File Utils.py, line 175 change code for
"LibraryPath" : 'musicdb://artists/' + str(item['artistid']) + '/' }

2. File default.py line 655 change code for
if xbmc.getCondVisibility("!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + [SubString(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets/,left)| Container.Content(artists) | Container.Content(albums)]"):

It´s solve problems in gotham.
Why not release files with fix?
I have tried modifying the files but after regenerating the zip using 7zip it seems the archive is no longer accepted by XBMC. I get the following message : "Add-on does not have the correct structure". Weird.

Anyway, are you sure your modifications still apply to the extension since it's been upgraded to work with Gotham ?

Original script : https://github.com/phil65/script.extendedinfo
Upgraded script : https://github.com/Nessus85100/script.extendedinfo

I noticed you changed InCinemaMoviesRT to InTheatersMovies in your version of this script. When I altered my skin to call this I now get the following error (I am calling Art(poster), Title, Runtime, Plot, MPAA and Rating)-

PHP Code:
10:38:48 T:11760   ERROREXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
Error Contents: ('movies',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Timothy\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.extendedinfo\default.py"line 923in <module>
File "C:\Users\Timothy\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.extendedinfo\default.py"line 75in __init__
File "C:\Users\Timothy\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.extendedinfo\default.py"line 201in _StartInfoActions
('InTheatersMovies'GetRottenTomatoesMoviesInTheaters("in_theaters"), self.prop_prefix)
File "C:\Users\Timothy\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.extendedinfo\MiscScraper.py"line 160in GetRottenTomatoesMoviesInTheaters
for item in results["movies"]:
KeyError: ('movies',)
End of Python script error report<-- 

This happens for both InTheatersMovies and InCinemasMovies.

Any idea how to fix this?
(2014-08-08, 18:00)Wanilton Wrote: [ -> ]For fix script for use in gotham, need

1. File Utils.py, line 175 change code for
"LibraryPath" : 'musicdb://artists/' + str(item['artistid']) + '/' }

2. File default.py line 655 change code for
if xbmc.getCondVisibility("!IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID) + [SubString(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets/,left)| Container.Content(artists) | Container.Content(albums)]"):

It´s solve problems in gotham.

Tried it. Nothing changes.
I solved my aforementioned bad zip structure related errors by restarting XBMC...

That seems to have solved my issue with this script in Gotham. None of the fixes in this thread made a difference.
Except i don't have any error message. The script just seems to work fine but i don't get any spinning discs on collection sets.
(2014-08-09, 16:45)ZexisStryfe Wrote: [ -> ]Nessus,

I noticed you changed InCinemaMoviesRT to InTheatersMovies in your version of this script. When I altered my skin to call this I now get the following error (I am calling Art(poster), Title, Runtime, Plot, MPAA and Rating)-

This happens for both InTheatersMovies and InCinemasMovies.

Any idea how to fix this?

The InTheatersMovies (previously InCinemaMoviesRT) is fetching the info from Rotten Tomatoes and is not working for me also for a couple of weeks now. The same applies for all the Rotten Tomatoes info...
PHP Code:
<onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=intheaters)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=comingsoon)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=boxoffice)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=opening)</onload

The InCinemasMovies is getting the info from TMDB and is working fine for me as all the others from the TMDB...
PHP Code:
<onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=incinemas)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=upcoming)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=popularmovies)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=topratedmovies)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=populartvshows)</onload>
onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=topratedtvshows)</onload

Don't forget to change the property's in static content. For example, for the InCinemasMovies info mine it looks like this:
PHP Code:
<item id="1">
onclick>ActivateWindow(videos,$INFO[Window.Property(InCinemasMovies.1.Title),plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?feed=search&amp;path=%2froot%2fsearch&amp;search=, trailer],return)</onclick>
property name="Rating">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(InCinemasMovies.1.Rating)]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(InCinemasMovies.1.Votes), (, $LOCALIZE[20350])]</property>
property name="Premiered">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(InCinemasMovies.1.Premiered)]</property>
property name="FanartImage">$INFO[Window.Property(InCinemasMovies.1.Art(fanart))]</property>

Thanks Nessus. You are right, InCinemasMovies works. Any chance you could add Overview/plot, MPAA rating and Runtime to the TMDB scraper? Smile
According to their API, they are not available
PHP Code:
"original_title""Veronica Mars",
"title""Veronica Mars",

just wanted to say that I will start supporting this script again. (was away for some time)
new version (which includes some fixes) is on my Github:
(Thx to Nessus, I also took over his fixes/additions)
Welcome back phil you were missed