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I have an issue. When I use extended info on an episode Kodi crash.

No error in log file. Working with movies, tvshows and seasons.

I use last git.

EDIT : Fixed with latest Kodi nightly build.
Using stable version from main Kodi repository and all the sudden Extended Info is crashing on startup. Anyone else experiencing this?
Debug log?
Got this error when get information for an album.

23:39:29 T:367333745472   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
                                            Error Contents: (u'\u4e91',)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/usbotg/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/plugin.py", line 134, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/usbotg/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/plugin.py", line 31, in __init__
                                                listitems = process.start_info_actions(info, self.params)
                                              File "/storage/usbotg/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/resources/lib/process.py", line 34, in start_info_actions
                                                params["artist_mbid"] = utils.fetch_musicbrainz_id(params["artistname"])
                                              File "/storage/usbotg/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.kodi65/lib/kodi65/utils.py", line 392, in fetch_musicbrainz_id
                                                url = '&query=artist:%s' % urllib.quote_plus(artist)
                                              File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM64-v8a/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/aarch64-linux-android-android-21/lib/python2.7/urllib.py", line 1306, in quote_plus
                                              File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Android-ARM64-v8a/tools/depends/xbmc-depends/aarch64-linux-android-android-21/lib/python2.7/urllib.py", line 1299, in quote
                                            KeyError: (u'\u4e91',)
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
(2016-11-01, 21:31)Hardax Wrote: [ -> ]Using stable version from main Kodi repository and all the sudden Extended Info is crashing on startup. Anyone else experiencing this?

Resolved itself by reinstalling from Kodi repository.
Is this not in the official Kodi rep anymore? I can't find it :/ I'm running Jarvis. Should I switch to Krypton?
I am getting script errors: HTTP://sprunge.us/haTf

Any idea?
your kodi version is too old i think.
I'm running the latest Krypton nightly and still get a crash every now and then.
(2016-11-21, 02:00)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]your kodi version is too old i think.
I do not understand. I am running Libreelec Krypton version with beta 5? Did you mean the extendedinfo script version?
Any recommendations what to do? Thanks.
My extendedinfo keeps throwing errors.
it does this on all skins and Jarvis as well as Krypton.

any ideas?

Hello Phil

Is there anywhere a List with the Changes needed for the Krypton Version of this Script.

What i saw so far is that the Windownames did change. (Not realy a big deal to adjust).

But there have to be other changes.

as Example the Actor name doesnt show up anymore in my Custom VideoInfo Dialogue ("Window.Property(Title)") and others.

(2016-11-22, 08:21)Rantanplan-1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Phil

Is there anywhere a List with the Changes needed for the Krypton Version of this Script.

What i saw so far is that the Windownames did change. (Not realy a big deal to adjust).

But there have to be other changes.

as Example the Actor name doesnt show up anymore in my Custom VideoInfo Dialogue ("Window.Property(Title)") and others.


nope, there isnt. The best documentation is always the reference implementation. Wink

guess figuered the Most stuff out so far, exept of this:

Dialog if ActureThumb is fullscreenHuh

in Jarvis i was using "script-ExtendedInfo Script-SlideShow"

and now?
Very new at this skinning thing. I'm trying to get the effect you have here that picks up colors from the posters and blurs them. I looked once on this thread and this is how far I got with the response that was previously given to a guy asking the same question:


        <control type="image">
                  <texture background="true">$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageColor)]</texture>

So I understand I don't need Extended Script, but Toolbox instead? Ok, so I have Toolbox installed, and I call it with the onload statement there. Then I include a texture, and then use the value of... what, exactly? I'm not sure. I've tried some, but they don't output anything. I lifted the "$INFO[Window(home).Property(ImageColor)]" from the post that asked the question previously, but it's probably customized to his skin, so it doesn't do anything on mine, and again, I don't know what to put in. This does work in the sense that putting the path of an image, outputs the image. I just need to know what value to put so that it shows the poster color things...

Would appreciate some guidance, it's a superb effect.

edit: OKAY. So I understand now that this is completely unrelated to this script, but I already made this post so what the heck... I tried with another script of yours, similar stuff:

        <control type="image">
                  <texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>

Tried looking at another skins code for this one, and I feel like I'm almost there. The one thing I don't get is the prefix= part, and then how to call this blurred image as a texture.