This is simple to fix....
need to find
(row 211 and 217)
Change in (both code 211 & 217)
(2017-07-27, 23:01)Angelinas Wrote: [ -> ]This is simple to fix....
need to find
(row 211 and 217)
Change in (both code 211 & 217)
Thanks for the info. would it be possible to upload the (MOD) ?
Does anyone know why I have this popup displayed whenever I call to Extended Info ?
My username and password of my TMDb account are set in addons settings.
(2017-07-28, 02:56)Guilouz Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know why I have this popup displayed whenever I call to Extended Info ?
check in your userdata\addon_data\script.extendedinfo
for extended script if you have this line
<setting id="first_start_infodialog" default="true">True</setting>
This line prevent notification, visible only first time when open extended script.
If you dont have....put there manual

(2017-07-27, 23:01)Angelinas Wrote: [ -> ]This is simple to fix....
need to find
(row 211 and 217)
Change in (both code 211 & 217)
I still got the ExtendedInfo Script Error.
(2017-07-28, 19:34)fred_gaou Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-07-28, 19:31)cd492 Wrote: [ -> ]I still got the ExtendedInfo Script Error.
Check that
I'm using Kodi 18 and got this Error.
(2017-07-28, 16:58)Angelinas Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-07-28, 02:56)Guilouz Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know why I have this popup displayed whenever I call to Extended Info ?
check in your userdata\addon_data\script.extendedinfo
for extended script if you have this line
<setting id="first_start_infodialog" default="true">True</setting>
This line prevent notification, visible only first time when open extended script.
If you dont have....put there manual 
It was to "True", set manually to "false" but when ExtendedInfo is launched, it always set to "True" :/
The only way I have find is to remove line 223 to 227 in file.
Still no working fix for Leia?
phil65 is busy working on improving Kodi core, the Estuary skin, or even his damn personal life that is none of anyone's business or has nothing to with Kodi at all...
Some of the things mentioned could be the reason he has better things to do...
"Nope, it seems no one is fixing the Problem."
"This to be considered dead? No interest in awhile"
If I read that shite, I'd likely ignore the many who just complained without ever appreciating the fact that this add-on existed in the first place.
Thanks phil65 for taking the time to create and support this script for however long you choose too.
No complaints from me at all, just my appreciation for your all that you have done
Am I a kiss ass? NO! I just think I am not an asshat who thinks phil owes me anything, cause he does not

I just asked if there is a fix. I wasn't complaining at all...