Just a short question and hopefully a short answer.
I‘m using Arctic:Zephyr and noticed, that extended.info is used when selecting an actor from videoinfo-dialog.
From there i can browsing other actors, movies, series and so on.
The back button goes back to the last actor/movie/series until the next „back“ has to lead to the videoinfo-dialog.
Instead of showing that dialog, kodi leads me to the movie list where I first opened the videoinfo-dialog using „info“.
Where is the issue?
Kodi? ExtendedInfo? Skin?
Any help appreciated.
(2019-01-27, 18:15)loeffelpan Wrote: [ -> ]Just a short question and hopefully a short answer.
I‘m using Arctic:Zephyr and noticed, that extended.info is used when selecting an actor from videoinfo-dialog.
From there i can browsing other actors, movies, series and so on.
The back button goes back to the last actor/movie/series until the next „back“ has to lead to the videoinfo-dialog.
Instead of showing that dialog, kodi leads me to the movie list where I first opened the videoinfo-dialog using „info“.
Where is the issue?
Kodi? ExtendedInfo? Skin?
Any help appreciated.
I'm guessing that arctic:zephyr closes the info dialog as an "onclick" action on the button.
scott s.
OK so the crash I was getting when closing the youtubelist dialog was fixed by
but there remains a problem in extendedinfo. When launching the dialog, extendedinfo looks in its settings for a viewmode to use. Then in script.module.kodi65 dialogbaselist.py it gets the setting and does
xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(%s)" % viewtype)
The problem is, the only view available in the dialog is 500. When the addon sends this command, it gets applied to the underlying media window. For example, when called from music window / musicinfo dialog, it sets the viewmode for music to 500 (Wall in Estuary). In my skin, which does not have a view 500, it sets it to 51 which is the lowest view id for me.
I'm guessing this is because extendedinfo isn't opening its window as a media window, so the viewmode is being applied to the parent window.
I did some hackery on dialogbaselist class by getting the current viewmode from Kodi when an instance does its onInit, converting it to the id and saving it, then restoring it via a Container.SetViewMode when the instance closes the dialog. A quick test seems to work.
scott s.
Another issue for me:
I changed language for "TheMovieDB" to "de" but ExtendedInfo shows me some infos in english.
(2019-01-31, 09:08)loeffelpan Wrote: [ -> ]@scott967: Nice shot. Found it in skins xml-files.
See https://github.com/jurialmunkey/skin.arc...eoInfo.xml in Line 12.
I will try commenting this out to leave the original videoinfo-dialog open.
That should work. In my Aeon MQ5 skin mod I was leaving movie/music info dialogs open, but I noticed that Estuary was closing it. I didn't/don't know if there was some logic why Estuary was closing it other than just a preference.
scott s.
Unfortunately, thos doesn‘t work.
Any other ideas?
(2019-01-31, 09:31)loeffelpan Wrote: [ -> ]Another issue for me:
I changed language for "TheMovieDB" to "de" but ExtendedInfo shows me some infos in english.
Anyone an idea for this issue?
Hi can anyone point me in the right direction as to how to use this.
In Github is stated that I can call the plugin with a call like this:
So if I want to make a list of the In Theater Movies from Rotten Tomatoes appear in my Home Screen I would do as follows, but I get nothing. Do I need to do something else? Thanks
<control type="list">
<itemlayout height="50" width="300">
<control type="image">
<control type="label">
<focusedlayout height="50" width="300">
<control type="image">
<control type="label">
Rotten Tomatoes not available...use only from this two TMDB and Trakt
(2019-02-15, 13:47)Angelinas Wrote: [ -> ]Rotten Tomatoes not available...use only from this two TMDB and Trakt
Ahhh, great, it worked thanks
Hi Phil. I'd like to use extendedinfo to search for trailers for TV shows, but currently the 'playtrailer' action only returns movie trailers. TMDB also host the trailers for TV shows, so I was wondering if there was any chance you'd be willing to also support trailer playback for shows? Thank you.
When I do a search (for example, "agent"), the result shows "items:575 page:1/1". Due to this page 1/1, I only be able to see the first 20 items, can't scroll to the next page. Is this a known issue? Any fix?
I was searching a way to improve trailer viewing for movies and TV show from my library and discovered "extended info" : it seems to be exactly what i need; thanks for this addon
I use estuary and can't found any extended infos : maybe i can't with this skin ?
I only have access to TMDB viewer; but for some movies i don't have any videos listed in it : am i missing something ?
Is this addon always develloped or is there a more recent alternative or fork ?
ExtendedInfo reports a "no youtube id found" error when I try to run a video from the youtube browser (in the ExtendedInfo script youtube browser window).
KODI 18.1 Leia
Skin: Estuary (the same mistake on other skins)
ExtendedInfo ver. 5.6.0
Thank you for all the help.