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btw if you decide to put the NearEvents properties into focusable containers then i´d recommend to use
"ActivateWindow(videos,plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?path=/root/search&feed=search&search=$INFO[Window(Home).Property(NearEvents.1.Artists)],return)" etc
as onclick event to start a youtube search for the artist.
(or perhaps script.globalsearch can be called with arguments, not sure about that)
phil, for sets, If you can include the old tags:



It really would be great.
Set.Movies.Count and %i.Path, %i.Year ,%i.Art(discart) and %i.DBID are also included now.
(you can start a movie with "RunScript(service.skin.widgets,movieid=$INFO[...])" then, assuming you have service.skin.widget added as a dependency)

next one.

start the script with


and you´ll get


this gives you some awesome random XKCD webcomics^^

is it possible to add something like script-MovieSets-DialogInfo.xml?
Maybe a refresh / clean issue with properties.

If you browse a movieset composed of 3 movies (Batman with Christian BALE for example), the 3 correct discarts are displayed but if you go back and browse another movieset composed of 2 movies (Cars, animated with Flash Mc Queen for example), then discart #1 and #2 are from Cars movies but discart #3 is from Batman movieset.
(2013-03-28, 10:58)fmronan Wrote: [ -> ]is it possible to add something like script-MovieSets-DialogInfo.xml?

+1 Nod

and more 1 request, please:

not possible without dirty workarounds including keymap changes. i won´t do that.
will add Plot / PlotOutline.
(2013-03-28, 05:58)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]...
(you can start a movie with "RunScript(service.skin.widgets,movieid=$INFO[...])" then, assuming you have service.skin.widget added as a dependency)

Well, not works here.

08:06:01 T:3640   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
Error Contents: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Y:\\Mediateca\\Filmes\\Ice Age'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Marcos\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.skin.widgets\default.py", line 738, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Marcos\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\service.skin.widgets\default.py", line 52, in __init__
xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.Open", "params": { "item": { "movieid": %d }, "options":{ "resume": %s } }, "id": 1 }' % (int(self.MOVIEID), self.RESUME))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Y:\\Mediateca\\Filmes\\Ice Age'
-->End of Python script error report<--
complete log, please. no snippets.
(2013-03-28, 12:59)mikebzh44 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe a refresh / clean issue with properties.

If you browse a movieset composed of 3 movies (Batman with Christian BALE for example), the 3 correct discarts are displayed but if you go back and browse another movieset composed of 2 movies (Cars, animated with Flash Mc Queen for example), then discart #1 and #2 are from Cars movies but discart #3 is from Batman movieset.
Just add this line under line #419

self.window.clearProperty('Set.Movie.%d.Art(discart)' % i)

No need of cleaning for other properties (DBID, Title, Path, Year) ?
Quote:No need of cleaning for other properties (DBID, Title, Path, Year) ?
yes for Title, because actualy that's not possible to use
(2013-03-28, 15:12)mikebzh44 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013-03-28, 12:59)mikebzh44 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe a refresh / clean issue with properties.

If you browse a movieset composed of 3 movies (Batman with Christian BALE for example), the 3 correct discarts are displayed but if you go back and browse another movieset composed of 2 movies (Cars, animated with Flash Mc Queen for example), then discart #1 and #2 are from Cars movies but discart #3 is from Batman movieset.
Just add this line under line #419

self.window.clearProperty('Set.Movie.%d.Art(discart)' % i)

No need of cleaning for other properties (DBID, Title, Path, Year) ?

will come. you probably know that this is not the only project I´m workin on Wink

(2013-03-28, 15:01)MarcosQui Wrote: [ -> ]http://pastebin.com/bxVTfiqb

debug log, not the "normal" log.
Yes, I know that your are a VERY VERY buzy guy Wink
Phil, I think it would be cool to calculated average width and height of a movie set so you can display a blue case for HD movieset or black case for SD movieset for some viewtype Big Grin

I have made a little mod of your script :


Look at # MikeBZH44 lines and beneath.

Work only for real movie with streamdetails. But what about offline media movies (http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Media_stubs) ?