(2015-01-11, 03:05)MANswers Wrote: [ -> ]i dont see most of the features extended script offers enabled with mq5 skin on windows. is this something i am missing to understand or its not fully integrated with mq5?
I don't mean to intrude on phil's thread, but this has nothing to do with phil. These features are new and must be implemented by the skin's designer. You should ask them if they plan to integrate the script (perhaps into mq6).
Thanks phil.
Yea I wished it was integrated on mq5 or mq6. Extended info script is a great add-on to xbmc. Really neat. So what skin is it fully integrated with. I might just move to that one just for this add on.
(2015-01-11, 08:51)MANswers Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks phil.
Yea I wished it was integrated on mq5 or mq6. Extended info script is a great add-on to xbmc. Really neat. So what skin is it fully integrated with. I might just move to that one just for this add on.
You can try Phil's in-progress version of Aeon Nox
here. It is the most full-featured skin that utilizes the script, but the skin still has some way to go.
A Tip: to customize the home menu, you must use a mouse. That bit confused me at first.
There are three in-progress skins that look as though they will make extensive use of extended info:
And there are probably others I'm not aware of. The creator of Bello posts in here and it appears extendedinfo features may be working their way into that skin:
214146 (thread).
And then there is Aeon Nox 5 (repo version), which has official support from the cast section (by pressing down on an actor). The extended info panels are ported from Phil's skin. You can also search for a movie by starting the add-on from the Programs node.
Aeon Nox 5 is the skin I use. I created panels to fit the Aeon Nox 5 theme for better integration and added a few widgets to the home screen that reference this script.
Extended Info Panels for Aeon Nox 5:
212479 (thread).
Extended Info Widgets for Aeon Nox 5:
213961 (thread).
A third mod by another user is available here:
1886177 (post).
With that said, when Phil's skin is complete, it will have the most extensive integration that goes far beyond replacing Metadata Actors, which is essentially the state of Aeon Nox 5.
This one here
is the first repo version and should show up within xbmc during the next hours, depending on when mirrors update.
That also means that I will try to keep backwards compatibility as much as possible from now on for the nearer future.
using latest master git, updated 3 days ago? getting an error.
15:42:00 T:20096 NOTICE: version 2.0.1 started
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: {
"control": null,
"dbid": "0",
"default.py": "",
"handle": null,
"imdbid": "71424",
"name": "Dr. Phil"
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: [
15:42:00 T:9304 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
15:42:00 T:9304 INFO: CFileCache::Process - Hit eof.
15:42:00 T:9304 DEBUG: Thread FileCache 9304 terminating
15:42:00 T:20196 WARNING: XFILE::CSimpleFileCache::Close: failed to delete temporary file ""
15:42:00 T:20096 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 91 strings from file C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\language\English\strings.po
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10138
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Value does not lay between minimum and maximum in type tvshowid
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: IMDBId from local DB:[]
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: loaded textfile C:\Kodi\portable_data\userdata\addon_data\script.extendedinfo\e0daa24002bfcafe245eee6ab31a0444.txt. Time: 0.002000
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: loaded file for http://api.themoviedb.org/3/find/[]?external_source=tvdb_id&language=en&api_key=34142515d9d23817496eeb4ff1d223d0. time: 0.032000
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: tvdb_id to tmdb_id: [] --> None
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
15:42:00 T:20096 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 91 strings from file C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\language\English\strings.po
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10138
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\skins\Default\1080i\script-ExtendedInfo Script-DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------
15:42:00 T:5172 INFO: Loading skin file: C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\skins\Default\1080i\script-ExtendedInfo Script-DialogVideoInfo.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 91 strings from file C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\language\English\strings.po
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 17 times.
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
15:42:00 T:20096 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
Error Contents: 'DialogTVShowInfo' object has no attribute 'tvshow'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\DialogTVShowInfo.py", line 87, in onInit
homewindow.setProperty("movie.ImageColor", self.tvshow["general"]["ImageColor"])
AttributeError: 'DialogTVShowInfo' object has no attribute 'tvshow'
-->End of Python script error report<--
15:42:00 T:5172 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
(2015-01-12, 22:57)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]hmm try this one:
not sure if "0" can be a valid dbid.
EDIT: also it looks as you would have imdb_id=[TVDB_ID] atm. in that case try tvdb_id=...
(couldnt test all possibilites though, so no guarantees
to get an idea about the priority of the parameters, take a look here:
(line 29 ff.)
okay thanks, that git updated worked... btw stil having problems downloading poster art...
log shows:
16:09:15 T:13656 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: image downloaded: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/q5Q66nJWY1qJ3GHtJoH1FWCetWO.jpg
16:09:15 T:13656 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: failed to save image http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/q5Q66nJWY1qJ3GHtJoH1FWCetWO.jpg
Log snippet:
16:09:13 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: {
"control": null,
"dbid": "0",
"default.py": "",
"handle": null,
"name": "The Ellen DeGeneres Show",
"tvdb_id": "72194"
16:09:13 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: [
]Line 2383: 16:09:14 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: TMDB API search criteria: Title[The Ellen DeGeneres Show] | Year[]
Line 2384: 16:09:14 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: download http://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?query=The+Ellen+DeGeneres+Show+&language=en&include_adult=false&api_key=34142515d9d23817496eeb4ff1d223d0. time: 0.163000
Line 2385: 16:09:14 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: save to file: http://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?query=The+Ellen+DeGeneres+Show+&language=en&include_adult=false&api_key=34142515d9d23817496eeb4ff1d223d0
Line 2386: 16:09:14 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: saved textfile C:\Kodi\portable_data\userdata\addon_data\script.extendedinfo. Time: 0.003000
Line 2393: 16:09:14 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: TMDB API search found ID: 562
Line 2394: 16:09:14 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: search string to tmdb_id: The Ellen DeGeneres Show --> 562
Line 2432: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: download http://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/562?append_to_response=account_states,content_ratings,credits,external_ids,images,keywords,rating,similar,translations,videos&language=en&include_image_language=en,null,en&api_key=34142515d9d23817496eeb4ff1d223d0. time: 0.672000
Line 2433: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: save to file: http://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/562?append_to_response=account_states,content_ratings,credits,external_ids,images,keywords,rating,similar,translations,videos&language=en&include_image_language=en,null,en&api_key=34142515d9d23817496eeb4ff1d223d0
Line 2435: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: saved textfile C:\Kodi\portable_data\userdata\addon_data\script.extendedinfo. Time: 0.051000
Line 2439: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: init HandleTMDBTVShowResult
Line 2440: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: init HandleTMDBPeopleResult
Line 2442: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: init HandleTMDBPeopleImagesResult
Line 2443: 16:09:15 T:17396 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: starting HandleTMDBTVShowResult
Line 2445: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: loaded textfile C:\Kodi\portable_data\userdata\addon_data\script.extendedinfo\d7a3736eb739cdc69aade63fa89a02a4.txt. Time: 0.001000
Line 2446: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: loaded file for http://api.themoviedb.org/3/certification/tv/list?api_key=34142515d9d23817496eeb4ff1d223d0. time: 0.031000
Line 2448: 16:09:15 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: init Get_File
Line 2458: 16:09:15 T:14248 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: download https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=id%2Csnippet&type=video&q=The%20Ellen%20DeGeneres%20Show%20tv&order=relevance&key=AIzaSyB-BOZ_o09NLVwq_lMskvvj1olDkFI4JK0&maxResults=15. time: 0.407000
Line 2459: 16:09:15 T:14248 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: save to file: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=id%2Csnippet&type=video&q=The%20Ellen%20DeGeneres%20Show%20tv&order=relevance&key=AIzaSyB-BOZ_o09NLVwq_lMskvvj1olDkFI4JK0&maxResults=15
Line 2460: 16:09:15 T:14248 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: saved textfile C:\Kodi\portable_data\userdata\addon_data\script.extendedinfo. Time: 0.008000
Line 2508: 16:09:15 T:14248 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: starting HandleYouTubeVideoResults
Line 2543: 16:09:15 T:13656 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: Download: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/q5Q66nJWY1qJ3GHtJoH1FWCetWO.jpg
Line 2754: 16:09:15 T:13656 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: image downloaded: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/q5Q66nJWY1qJ3GHtJoH1FWCetWO.jpg
Line 2755: 16:09:15 T:13656 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: failed to save image http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/q5Q66nJWY1qJ3GHtJoH1FWCetWO.jpg
Line 3197: 16:09:16 T:17108 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: []
try removing the try / except block in resources/lib/Utils.py l 723 and 732 - 734 (or add stacktrace module stuff) so you can see the actual exception

(2015-01-12, 23:16)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]try removing the try / except block in resources/lib/Utils.py l 723 and 732 - 734 (or add stacktrace module stuff) so you can see the actual exception 
I use a shared thumbnail folder because i have a centralized database... so I don't use a local thumbnail folder... which appears to be the issue.
16:44:48 T:7800 ERROR: Exception in thread Get_File:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Kodi\system\python\Lib\threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
File "C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\TheMovieDB.py", line 1087, in run
self.listitems = self.function(self.param)
File "C:\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\Utils.py", line 728, in Get_File
tmpfile = open(xbmc.translatePath(image), 'wb')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Kodi\\portable_data\\userdata\\Thumbnails\\e\\ed36015c.jpg'
Thanks again
correct. did you have to deal with that already? (= do you know if we can get your thumbnail path easily?)
if not, I´ll peek into documentation when I find the time. In case nothing is available I´ll probably add an option in script settings to set thumbnail folder manually.
(2015-01-12, 23:54)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]correct. did you have to deal with that already? (= do you know if we can get your thumbnail path easily?)
if not, I´ll peek into documentation when I find the time. In case nothing is available I´ll probably add an option in script settings to set thumbnail folder manually.
weird i'm looking at your code and it's correct...
my advancedsettings.xml is substituting correctly, so 'special://profile/Thumbnails/' should work...
17:49:56 T:10252 DEBUG: Registering substition pair:
17:49:56 T:10252 DEBUG: From: [C:\Kodi\portable_data\userdata\Thumbnails\]
17:49:56 T:10252 DEBUG: To: [smb://]
Never mind translatePath, I see you are using it... not sure why it doesn't detect the changed path...
Is this a problem with extendinfo? When i click on upcoming movies, trending tv shows, top rated movies it just brings up the youtube box instead of an actual video, but trending movies works fine
(2015-01-13, 18:38)komplex Wrote: [ -> ]http://gfycat.com/QuickEmbellishedKillifish
Is this a problem with extendinfo? When i click on upcoming movies, trending tv shows, top rated movies it just brings up the youtube box instead of an actual video, but trending movies works fine
You would have to be more specific than that. Do you mean the trailer doesn't play for each item, as that is the intended default action?