late-appearing poster should also finally be fixed now on latest GIT.
(2015-01-17, 20:15)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]script.module.PIL missing?
Thanks for the answer, Phil65,
Sorry, but I don't understand you, where should this file be located and where do I download it from?
Hi phil! Thank you for this great script it is a wonderful addition to Kodi!
Not sure if this is on my end... I seem to have an issue with the script looking up accented actor names I have only tested it with one accented name but since it is the only issue I currently have with the script I thought I'd post a
debug log in case it is helpful. I am using the latest version from Git.
Latest commits have solved the issues above.
I know most of the following may fall on deaf ears, but I wanted to share my
wishlist of features to be added:
1. Completing the following missing information for TV Shows:
Season statistics and Ratings flags (next-aired information would also be great if available):
Season and Episode Information:
2. Adding the property
Known For to the Actor Dialogue.
3. Providing additional ratings calls for DialogVideoInfo. IMO, MovieDB ratings are very underrepresented and inaccurate. Any of
Rotten Tomatoes or would be preferable.
4. Changing the
In Database value for Directors and Writers to reference
Movie Crew Member.
5. Adding a slideshow feature for thumbs and fanart.
Something weird has started happening, every time I go into my movie library or something a screen pops up displaying some recent movies (some of which are not even in my library) and when I click on a movie it takes me into the detailed information page like the ones in extended info script. In fact when this first happened I wasn't even sure what this might be and after looking into the logs I saw extended info script. I don't know how to keep it from popping up. I am using skin ace and I believe this comes bundled with that. I find it very handy for restoring skin settings so I don't want to uninstall it either. Is there some way I can stop this pop-up behavior? This never happened in the 2 odd years that I have been using ACE/ Ext Info
(2015-01-18, 17:11)extremeaudio Wrote: [ -> ]Something weird has started happening, every time I go into my movie library or something a screen pops up displaying some recent movies (some of which are not even in my library) and when I click on a movie it takes me into the detailed information page like the ones in extended info script. In fact when this first happened I wasn't even sure what this might be and after looking into the logs I saw extended info script. I don't know how to keep it from popping up. I am using skin ace and I believe this comes bundled with that. I find it very handy for restoring skin settings so I don't want to uninstall it either. Is there some way I can stop this pop-up behavior? This never happened in the 2 odd years that I have been using ACE/ Ext Info
ACE is unmaintained. If you want to have a bug-free experience in combination with this script you have to change the skin.
Yes that's a real pity because its a super skin. Know some other skin that has a vertical main menu and as good to look at as Ace?
FYI, I solved the issue with panels not refreshing by deleting the "userdata/addon_data/script.extendedinfo" folder.
Here's a weird one for you.
Similar movies vs Similar shows
When there's no poster available I display the label like so
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="center">scale</aspectratio>
<texture fallback="views/movie_fallback.png" background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Art(poster)]</texture>
<control type="label">
this works fine for The MovieDB
similarmovies but for some reason it doesn't work for
similartvshowstrakt even though the poster is clearly empty because the fallback image is used.
Any ideas?
hello phil congratulations for your work, I have a problem with your script,
I can not find it in kody addon repo, i see it only if first manually install the version found on github
and reboot the system, however, 'if I update via kody repo addon i have a error: dependencies no met, plugin incompatible please contact the author.....
how resolve this? my system run openelec 5.0 on kody helix and aeon nox 5 mikesilvo 164
sorry for my english
saluti from sardinia island
(2015-01-20, 16:09)mastervan Wrote: [ -> ]hello phil congratulations for your work, I have a problem with your script,
I can not find it in kody addon repo, i see it only if first manually install the version found on github
and reboot the system, however, 'if I update via kody repo addon i have a error: dependencies no met, plugin incompatible please contact the author.....
how resolve this? my system run openelec 5.0 on kody helix and aeon nox 5 mikesilvo 164
sorry for my english
saluti from sardinia island
This should be posted in my thread as I don't think it has anything to do with Phils script.
Link is here
Hey Phil,
Quick question regarding the video details in script-ExtendedInfo Script-DialogVideoInfo. Any chance you could roll in this small patch to include PlayCount, DateAdded and LastPlayed? Those are the only stream details missing from the native DialogVideoInfo. Really appreciate it if you could.
Found in the CompareWithLibrary method
json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails", "params": {"properties": ["streamdetails", "resume", "year", "art", "writer", "file", "dateadded", "lastplayed", "playcount"], "movieid":%s }, "id": 1}' % dbid)
online_item["DateAdded"] = local_item['dateadded']
online_item["LastPlayed"] = local_item['lastplayed']
online_item["Playcount"] = local_item['playcount']
I think he's gone on holiday so we'll have to be patient.