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Full Version: script.extendedinfo
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(2015-02-05, 22:50)jeffski10 Wrote: [ -> ]Phil, I'm seeing issues when trying to display info from the widgets in your skin when the program is a TV show. It just crashes out with the following in the log:
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: File "D:\Users\JB\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\default.py", line 27, in __init__
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: self.control = StartInfoActions(self.infos, self.params)
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: File "D:\Users\JB\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\process.py", line 155, in StartInfoActions
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: dialog = DialogTVShowInfo(u'script-%s-DialogVideoInfo.xml' % addon_name, addon_path, id=params.get("id", ""), dbid=params.get("dbid", None), imdbid=params.get("imdbid", ""), name=params.get("name", ""))
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: File "D:\Users\JB\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\DialogTVShowInfo.py", line 52, in __init__
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: if self.tmdb_id:
20:46:26 T:9648 ERROR: AttributeError: 'DialogTVShowInfo' object has no attribute 'tmdb_id'

Its clearly looking for a movie ID which of course it won't have. Not sure if this is a skin or script issue so posted here.

Complete debug log, please. Which script version? 2.0.3?
(2015-02-06, 13:59)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-05, 23:00)Jeroen Wrote: [ -> ]I have a widget using

PHP Code:

and would like to play the trailer for the selected item, however it opens the info window even if I have "Open InfoDialog by default" disabled in the script settings.

Anyone can confirm the same problem?

should be fixed on GIT. Smile

Cool confirmed, Cheers!
Odd, I thought I'd posted a reply. Yes, 2.03 from the Repo:

(2015-02-07, 02:11)jeffski10 Wrote: [ -> ]Odd, I thought I'd posted a reply. Yes, 2.03 from the Repo:


I've done some more testing this afternoon and it seems it might actually just depend on the widget chosen. If I pick 'Trending Shows' the dialog view works fine and the show info is displayed. If it change this to something based on the library such as 'Latest Episodes' then it fails. Its as though the show id info is recognized when its a feed from trakt but not when its a library file.
(2015-02-08, 19:13)jeffski10 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-07, 02:11)jeffski10 Wrote: [ -> ]Odd, I thought I'd posted a reply. Yes, 2.03 from the Repo:


I've done some more testing this afternoon and it seems it might actually just depend on the widget chosen. If I pick 'Trending Shows' the dialog view works fine and the show info is displayed. If it change this to something based on the library such as 'Latest Episodes' then it fails. Its as though the show id info is recognized when its a feed from trakt but not when its a library file.

Latest episodes is provided by other scripts, not by extendedinfo.
Is there anyway to have this autoupdate?

(2015-02-09, 18:31)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anyway to have this autoupdate?


It´s on the official repository so it auto-updates already.
(2015-02-09, 18:45)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 18:31)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anyway to have this autoupdate?


It´s on the official repository so it auto-updates already.

sorry, i've been downloading the .zip and installing that manually. from

So how do I set it up to auto update?

(2015-02-09, 20:14)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 18:45)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 18:31)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anyway to have this autoupdate?


It´s on the official repository so it auto-updates already.

sorry, i've been downloading the .zip and installing that manually. from

So how do I set it up to auto update?


delete all copies of the script (manually if neccessary) and just install it from repository.
(2015-02-09, 20:14)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 18:45)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 18:31)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anyway to have this autoupdate?


It´s on the official repository so it auto-updates already.

sorry, i've been downloading the .zip and installing that manually. from

So how do I set it up to auto update?


You don't have to set-up anything. That is the point of the auto-update.
Newbie question where do I find the repo? Also where do I find the files on my windows 7 so I can delete them? I also installed stuff from zip files.
(2015-02-09, 21:48)Tatts4Life Wrote: [ -> ]Newbie question where do I find the repo? Also where do I find the files on my windows 7 so I can delete them? I also installed stuff from zip files.

The repo is the default Kodi repo and the addon folder is located in the same folder as the userdata folder you can find more info for the userdata folder here http://kodi.wiki/view/Userdata
(2015-02-09, 21:02)Warner306 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 20:14)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 18:45)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]It´s on the official repository so it auto-updates already.

sorry, i've been downloading the .zip and installing that manually. from

So how do I set it up to auto update?


You don't have to set-up anything. That is the point of the auto-update.

If you don't add it through the offical repo it won't auto update.

I just need to know where to download the repo to download it.
(2015-02-10, 00:39)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 21:02)Warner306 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-02-09, 20:14)Reb313 Wrote: [ -> ]sorry, i've been downloading the .zip and installing that manually. from

So how do I set it up to auto update?


You don't have to set-up anything. That is the point of the auto-update.
I just need to know where to download the repo to download it.
If you don't add it through the offical repo it won't auto update.

It's under "Helper" add-ons. I think downloading the git is the same source, but I could be wrong.
Thanks for the help I didn't even notice that I had the zip version. Got other stuff working that was giving me an issue too.