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(2015-06-07, 20:40)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]Google AutoCompletion possible for DialogKeyBoard.xml now, too Smile

keyboard autocomplete crashes kodi at my end:

it happens each time when i select one of the items returned by google.
(2015-06-09, 01:02)ronie Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-06-07, 20:40)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]Google AutoCompletion possible for DialogKeyBoard.xml now, too Smile

keyboard autocomplete crashes kodi at my end:

it happens each time when i select one of the items returned by google.

hmm ok, will see if I can reproduce. I tested on windows with a pretty new v15 build. Will test on my linux machine later.
Could you test which line causes it? I suspect line 369 in process.py (that´s the workaround I mentioned in my globalsearch PR)

EDIT: can reproduce on linux, it´s line 368 (setText() on a core EditControl)
weird that this only happens on linux. will see if i can come up with a solution.
fixed by using JSON-RPC (Input.SendText) instead of grabbing core EditControl and using setText()

Also added option to set language in script settings + an option to use autocompletion keywords from youtube instead of google.
Auto complete is very cool, added it to Mimic...

Thx. Be aware that the needed ExtendedInfo version is not on the repo yet.
Since I changed quite a lot since the last repo push (version is now 3.0.0) it would be nice if you guys could test latest Master branch extensively (also the new plugin section). I would like to get some confirmations before doing big updates on scripts which are tightly integrated into skins.
Will do, I just installed 3.0.0 from git in order to test auto complete. Will test the rest too...
(2015-06-07, 08:19)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]new features:
-T9 Text input for TMDB search
- search results now update on-the-fly
- added google suggestions for autocompletion

Was just testing out the VideoInfo and VideoList windows, everything worked as expected. Is there a way for a skin to skip the addon keyboard shown in the screenshot and go directly to the classic keyboard when selecting Search from the sidebar? I took a look in the XMLs and DialogVideoList.py but didn't see a way to do it.

Just started testing the plugin paths I use and got an error with topartists.



toprentals, trendingshows, trendingmovies, and dailybabes all worked fine.

Curious, is there a way for topartists and dailybabes to open the image full screen when clicked? I tried setting the target to pictures, but nothing happens when selecting a widget item.
Ok, here's a strange one, didn't notice this before. I can't get out of the video info or actor info windows by pressing back or esc. Log says its an unknown control type for python. Not sure if I did anything to cause this, tried a restart but got the same results.

Google autocompletions are very cool and useful. Added to the Rapier skin.

I just tested 3.0.0 and came up with some minor issues compared to 2.0.10. Please correct me if properties have changed:

Pressing button id="6006" (Already Rated) in Script-DialogVideoInfo.xml seems to not go to the user ratings window - the ratings are missing (ListItem.Property(User_Rating)):



Also, in Script-VideoList.xml the property Container(500).ListItem.Year seems empty. The Year property is generally an issue with 3.0.0, which you will see below.

The year property (ListItem.Year) in Script-DialogVideoInfo.xml for container id="250" seems missing and the sorting is random. Also ListItem.Property(DBID) seems broken.


Same for Script-DialogInfo.xml, although ListItem.Property(DBID) is working here:



Hope this makes sense.

I'm looking for script entendedinfo runing on Gotham 13.2, because can not install this great plugin on my box Prismcube

(2015-06-09, 12:43)arzaz Wrote: [ -> ]I'm looking for script entendedinfo runing on Gotham 13.2, because can not install this great plugin on my box Prismcube


-> "CAUTION: Needs v14.2 at least to run properly on all platforms."
Something I've noticed and quite curious about is why all the movie titles I view when using this script return movie certifications for the US? My details on The Movedb site are set to the UK and Europe time zone. I also have the correct credentials and preferences set for both this script and the movie database plugin in Kodi, but I'm still not getting UK certifications for the movie titles I view. Is somebody able to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or for that matter if I need to do anything further?
(2015-06-09, 13:25)Dumyat Wrote: [ -> ]Something I've noticed and quite curious about is why all the movie titles I view when using this script return movie certifications for the US? My details on The Movedb site are set to the UK and Europe time zone. I also have the correct credentials and preferences set for both this script and the movie database plugin in Kodi, but I'm still not getting UK certifications for the movie titles I view. Is somebody able to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or for that matter if I need to do anything further?

atm it always takes the first certification returned by the API. would need some work to be able to prioritize them.