(2015-06-07, 20:40)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]Google AutoCompletion possible for DialogKeyBoard.xml now, too 
keyboard autocomplete crashes kodi at my end:
it happens each time when i select one of the items returned by google.
(2015-06-09, 01:02)ronie Wrote: [ -> ] (2015-06-07, 20:40)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]Google AutoCompletion possible for DialogKeyBoard.xml now, too 
keyboard autocomplete crashes kodi at my end:
it happens each time when i select one of the items returned by google.
hmm ok, will see if I can reproduce. I tested on windows with a pretty new v15 build. Will test on my linux machine later.
Could you test which line causes it? I suspect line 369 in process.py (that´s the workaround I mentioned in my globalsearch PR)
EDIT: can reproduce on linux, it´s line 368 (setText() on a core EditControl)
weird that this only happens on linux. will see if i can come up with a solution.
fixed by using JSON-RPC (Input.SendText) instead of grabbing core EditControl and using setText()
Also added option to set language in script settings + an option to use autocompletion keywords from youtube instead of google.
Thx. Be aware that the needed ExtendedInfo version is not on the repo yet.
Since I changed quite a lot since the last repo push (version is now 3.0.0) it would be nice if you guys could test latest Master branch extensively (also the new plugin section). I would like to get some confirmations before doing big updates on scripts which are tightly integrated into skins.
Will do, I just installed 3.0.0 from git in order to test auto complete. Will test the rest too...
(2015-06-07, 08:19)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]new features:
-T9 Text input for TMDB search
- search results now update on-the-fly
- added google suggestions for autocompletion

Was just testing out the VideoInfo and VideoList windows, everything worked as expected. Is there a way for a skin to skip the addon keyboard shown in the screenshot and go directly to the classic keyboard when selecting Search from the sidebar? I took a look in the XMLs and DialogVideoList.py but didn't see a way to do it.
Just started testing the plugin paths I use and got an error with topartists.
toprentals, trendingshows, trendingmovies, and dailybabes all worked fine.
Curious, is there a way for topartists and dailybabes to open the image full screen when clicked? I tried setting the target to pictures, but nothing happens when selecting a widget item.
Ok, here's a strange one, didn't notice this before. I can't get out of the video info or actor info windows by pressing back or esc. Log says its an unknown control type for python. Not sure if I did anything to cause this, tried a restart but got the same results.
Google autocompletions are very cool and useful. Added to the Rapier skin.
I just tested 3.0.0 and came up with some minor issues compared to 2.0.10. Please correct me if properties have changed:
Pressing button id="6006" (Already Rated) in Script-DialogVideoInfo.xml seems to not go to the user ratings window - the ratings are missing (ListItem.Property(User_Rating)):
Also, in Script-VideoList.xml the property Container(500).ListItem.Year seems empty. The Year property is generally an issue with 3.0.0, which you will see below.
The year property (ListItem.Year) in Script-DialogVideoInfo.xml for container id="250" seems missing and the sorting is random. Also ListItem.Property(DBID) seems broken.

Same for Script-DialogInfo.xml, although ListItem.Property(DBID) is working here:
Hope this makes sense.
I'm looking for script entendedinfo runing on Gotham 13.2, because can not install this great plugin on my box Prismcube
(2015-06-09, 12:43)arzaz Wrote: [ -> ]I'm looking for script entendedinfo runing on Gotham 13.2, because can not install this great plugin on my box Prismcube
-> "CAUTION: Needs v14.2 at least to run properly on all platforms."
Something I've noticed and quite curious about is why all the movie titles I view when using this script return movie certifications for the US? My details on The Movedb site are set to the UK and Europe time zone. I also have the correct credentials and preferences set for both this script and the movie database plugin in Kodi, but I'm still not getting UK certifications for the movie titles I view. Is somebody able to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or for that matter if I need to do anything further?
(2015-06-09, 13:25)Dumyat Wrote: [ -> ]Something I've noticed and quite curious about is why all the movie titles I view when using this script return movie certifications for the US? My details on The Movedb site are set to the UK and Europe time zone. I also have the correct credentials and preferences set for both this script and the movie database plugin in Kodi, but I'm still not getting UK certifications for the movie titles I view. Is somebody able to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or for that matter if I need to do anything further?
atm it always takes the first certification returned by the API. would need some work to be able to prioritize them.