(2015-06-28, 18:15)sualfred Wrote: [ -> ]Np log: http://pastebin.com/ZDWXx8cQ
Either you´re not using latest version or you have to clean your cache. (I think it´s option 1)
Head -> Table -.-
By mistake, I placed an older GitHub release in the context addon folder some days ago .
The latest GitHub is working fine

(2015-06-28, 18:40)sualfred Wrote: [ -> ]Head -> Table -.-
Take care, you could still need that head for skinning.

Is it possible to have control of <onback> from the lists? Currently pressing back will go to the previous window but I just want to send focus back to the main control group list (and only go to previous window from there). Not sure if this is possible or not? (tried both setfocus and just control id in onback tags) I could probably do it from a fake button controlling the list if this isn't a possibility.
(2015-06-29, 05:56)jurialmunkey Wrote: [ -> ]Is it possible to have control of <onback> from the lists? Currently pressing back will go to the previous window but I just want to send focus back to the main control group list (and only go to previous window from there). Not sure if this is possible or not? (tried both setfocus and just control id in onback tags) I could probably do it from a fake button controlling the list if this isn't a possibility.
(there is one closing bracket missing in commit msg example)
I get an error when using in DialogAlbumInfo.xml:
<content>plugin://script.extendedinfo?info=youtubesearch&&id=$ESCINFO[ListItem.Artist] Music</content>
This is my kodi.log:
11:59:49 T:4490530816 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: search_youtube() got an unexpected keyword argument 'relevance'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/massimo/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/plugin.py", line 91, in <module>
File "/Users/massimo/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/plugin.py", line 21, in __init__
start_info_actions(self.infos, self.params)
File "/Users/massimo/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/resources/lib/process.py", line 263, in start_info_actions
relevance=params.get("orderby", "relevance"))
TypeError: search_youtube() got an unexpected keyword argument 'relevance'
-->End of Python script error report<--
11:59:49 T:4795666432 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=youtubesearch&&id="Alicia Keys" Music
Also could you please verify if these calls are working? They do not seem to produce any result.
youtube call is fixed, artistevents and similarartistsinlibrary seem to be workin here.
watch gallery
I am working on MQ6,working and dialogs look as mq for all submeni.
Phill one question...
How to populate icon in list ,( picture no11,12,13,14,15)
550 - Studio
650 - Certificat Country
850 - Genre
950 - Word Tags
In window working ok,when I focus on lists,for excample studio (first icon in list,an move focus on second kodi chage my studio png
wonderful script with lots of variation.....keep good working.
Have progres for include this for PVR

I am using
ExtendedInfo 3.0.0.
The last sentence of the plot has lost punctuation as pictured below. Each description should end in a period, which is now missing.
Missing Period:

Hey , having a problem everytime i enter my MovieDB username and password , then try to use it , it says Login failed and when i click on some of the actors names i get Script.extendedinfo Error
Has something changed in recent builds? Getting an error for a call that use to work.... "Can't find item at movie DB" ... no debug log errors...
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=extendedtvinfo,dbid=9603,tvdb_id=75805,name=It s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)"))
05:24:22 T:18300 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: {
"control": null,
"dbid": "9603",
"default.py": "",
"handle": null,
"name": "It s Always Sunny in Philadelphia",
"tvdb_id": "75805"
05:24:22 T:18300 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: [
yeah very much has changed. you could check if something goes wrong when doing the id conversions in WindowManager.py, method "open_tvshow_info"