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I'm quite new to skinning and extendedinfo, and I have a pretty basic question. What is a simple way of getting the IMDB-id for a selected item? Something like $INFO[ListItem.IMDBNumber], but for items where the information comes from extendedinfo, not locally stored.
if available, then it should be listitem.property(imdb_id).
Nope, not working. $INFO[ListItem.property(imdb_id)] is empty, even for movies that are definitely in IMDB.
I dont do a manual lookup at imdb, i just expose what the scraper delivers, so if the API of trakt or TMDB does not contain an imdb id then there is no chance to get one. Which specific call do you mean?
I'm trying to do a mod of a skin which uses the file script-ExtendedInfo Script-DialogVideoInfo.xml to display information about movies that are not in kodis db. It displays the movies info using calls like

<label fallback="19055">$INFO[Window.Property(movie.director)]</label>

so i thought that it might also be possible to display the IMDB id. Could i maybe get the TMDB?
in that case it would be $INFO[Window.Property(movie.imdb_id)] of course.
TMDB id is $INFO[Window.Property(movie.id)]
Awesome, thanks!
One more thing, is there a way to tell if the movie.id is from a movie or a tvshow?
Window.Property(Type) should contain the dialog content.
Yes, thanks!
Hi Phil,

I am on Helix 14.2. I tried installing Extended Script Info from the zip file, and right now it shows that the ESI is on 3.0.1
But the github version file says that the most recent release of extended script info is of v3.1.0
Am i still on the old version with 3.0.1?
I tried to uninstall the previous version before i install the new version, but it woulndt allow me to telling me that currently its used by Aeon MQ6
Please guide
When you have time add in local_db.ry this line for tvshow.characterart...

                'Characterart': tvshow['art'].get("characterart", ""),

for this Smile
(2015-07-29, 18:14)Angelinas Wrote: [ -> ]@phil65
When you have time add in local_db.ry this line for tvshow.characterart...

                'Characterart': tvshow['art'].get("characterart", ""),

for this Smile

What a crowded info screen... you should remove some stuff to make it look nice again. Wink
Some like crowded info screen Smile
You can hide stuff that dont whant to see ...Top menu for settings is that tool,for me is ok, to see all icon that I have for Movies or tvshow.
Add this please,and see what can you can add for Episode,this info I have just one image. Sad
SeasonPoster,SeasonBanner,Season Thumbs 16x9

(2015-07-29, 20:55)Karnage11 Wrote: [ -> ]what screen is that for ?
Screen is for AeonMQ6 or 5 or 4 ........Smile
what screen is that for ?