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(2015-09-02, 21:40)im85288 Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I'm aware you cannot. Extended info uses images from tmdb and has nothing to do with your local library.

That´s not completely true since the script cross-compares the local db to find a match. Some recent core additions would even allow to add a button to trigger a re-scrape by using JSON-RPC.
i know we can do it because someone somewhere uploaded this xml file : http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/cGUxBuDg/file.html
And it's doing what i need but cancel all the beautiful visuals of the new version so im not using it ...
Please Phil65 please help me with that , i have a lot of local fanart that i use ...
Thanks in advance !
(2015-09-03, 06:08)guandms Wrote: [ -> ]i know we can do it because someone somewhere uploaded this xml file : http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/cGUxBuDg/file.html
And it's doing what i need but cancel all the beautiful visuals of the new version so im not using it ...
Please Phil65 please help me with that , i have a lot of local fanart that i use ...
Thanks in advance !

Yes but that file is not the extended info version of the video info, rather it is the standard version (The name of it is DialogVideoInfo). As Phil65 states, this could be done with recent changes to the core via the JSON API but currently it is not.
(2015-08-31, 00:14)senna99 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-08-30, 14:08)hansipi Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-08-26, 23:12)senna99 Wrote: [ -> ]Someone can confirm about info=nearevents does not work?
So far I have tried everything, without success.

Hi, yes i confirm. nothing there.

Thank you, hansipi

It is Last.fm going live with and migrating to a new site. They've got a new database with new tables, all of which is incompatible with the old. Thus the APIs are returning errors as the code is looking at the old stuff (which is no longer live). Meanwhile as they convert the old stuff to the new they are discovering more bugs in the new code. As a consequence the developers are Agilating (definition: running around like headless chickens, cos the regression tests are useless, there is no backup plan, whilst every thing has gone TITSUP [Total Inability To Support Usual Performance]).
(2015-09-03, 18:16)woodside Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-08-31, 00:14)senna99 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-08-30, 14:08)hansipi Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, yes i confirm. nothing there.

Thank you, hansipi

It is Last.fm going live with and migrating to a new site. They've got a new database with new tables, all of which is incompatible with the old. Thus the APIs are returning errors as the code is looking at the old stuff (which is no longer live). Meanwhile as they convert the old stuff to the new they are discovering more bugs in the new code. As a consequence the developers are Agilating (definition: running around like headless chickens, cos the regression tests are useless, there is no backup plan, whilst every thing has gone TITSUP [Total Inability To Support Usual Performance]).

Just to clarify (I didnt look into it at all yet): LastFM is doing some background work, and the API is temporarily broken? Or does / did the API change, too?
(2015-09-03, 18:29)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-09-03, 18:16)woodside Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-08-31, 00:14)senna99 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you, hansipi

It is Last.fm going live with and migrating to a new site. They've got a new database with new tables, all of which is incompatible with the old. Thus the APIs are returning errors as the code is looking at the old stuff (which is no longer live). Meanwhile as they convert the old stuff to the new they are discovering more bugs in the new code. As a consequence the developers are Agilating (definition: running around like headless chickens, cos the regression tests are useless, there is no backup plan, whilst every thing has gone TITSUP [Total Inability To Support Usual Performance]).

Just to clarify (I didnt look into it at all yet): LastFM is doing some background work, and the API is temporarily broken? Or does / did the API change, too?

From reading the boards and from poking around it looks like they went live with their new beta site and are having all sorts of problems. Some API calls are slowly starting to work again but I know Concert Events is not one of them yet. Also can't log into or access API accounts or at least I haven't been able to for some time now. It looks like they have a mess on their hands

There is a statement that reads......

"New Site launch: Temporary service disruption information
Announcement Updated 2 weeks ago


We've recently gone live with our new site. As we’re doing a final data migration, some functionality may be temporarily unavailable. We’re expecting to get these components back up very soon – please sit tight!"

But that was 2 weeks ago.
ok, thx for info.
Is it a known issue with Jarvis builds that an error saying login failed pops up whenever the addon is accessed? I have noticed it for a few weeks now and confirmed I have the correct credentials entered. If needed I can post a log but I know it's effected at least one other person so thought it was a general issue. Cheers.

The skin I use Xperience1080 uses the ExtendedInfo Script and now I see that ExtendedInfo script is listed as a program add-on in Kodi and now has a front-end GUI for the MovieDB.

I understand that the main function of the ExtendedInfo Script is for skins and skinners to utilise and that there is no end-user support etc. However I am wondering about the MoveDB Browser GUI and what its for?

It could actually be used as a rather good movie trailers add-on with CP integration as well I see! Only issue would be that it displays far too many titles, I can filter to only show the year 2015 for example but there are also loads of foreign titles showing. Some new filters to hide these or some added functionality to have a trailers view would be excellent.

(2015-09-09, 20:45)cw-kid Wrote: [ -> ]Hi

The skin I use Xperience1080 uses the ExtendedInfo Script and now I see that ExtendedInfo script is listed as a program add-on in Kodi and now has a front-end GUI for the MovieDB.

I understand that the main function of the ExtendedInfo Script is for skins and skinners to utilise and that there is no end-user support etc. However I am wondering about the MoveDB Browser GUI and what its for?

It could actually be used as a rather good movie trailers add-on with CP integration as well I see! Only issue would be that it displays far too many titles, I can filter to only show the year 2015 for example but there are also loads of foreign titles showing. Some new filters to hide these or some added functionality to have a trailers view would be excellent.


Yeah the script evolved quite a lot and now has a pretty big stand-alone functionality part. I implemented almost all filters allowed by the API so there is not much more I can do concerning that. (i think the only one i left out for movies is "vote count")
Hi Phil65

On my test machine that has a newer version of the Xperience1080 skin, I can now see there is further integration with the ExtendedInfo Script add-on, for example you can on the movie info page then go to cast and then push right again on to an actor and then under movie roles, if I click on a title that is not in my library, it then launches your ExtendedInfo GUI for that movie title.

The stand alone side of it is very promising as well! I see you can also switch to TV Shows as well as Movies. I would love to use the stand alone side as a movie / tv show trailers type thing with the CP integration. In movies for example if I change the Sort By field from Popularity to Release date, it then shows titles ranging from the year 2020 to the 1800s.

If I then also apply a filter of Release Date (Upper Limit) = 2015, it then loads the titles but there are loads of foreign ones I'd like to hide etc.
I don't know, I just thought if there was a trailers type view or some other filters it might have been just the ticket!

I have been using the Apple iTunes Trailers add-on for movies but have some issues with it at the moment.

(2015-09-09, 21:42)cw-kid Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Phil65

On my test machine that has a newer version of the Xperience1080 skin, I can now see there is further integration with the ExtendedInfo Script add-on, for example you can on the movie info page then go to cast and then push right again on to an actor and then under movie roles, if I click on a title that is not in my library, it then launches your ExtendedInfo GUI for that movie title.

The stand alone side of it is very promising as well! I see you can also switch to TV Shows as well as Movies. I would love to use the stand alone side as a movie / tv show trailers type thing with the CP integration. In movies for example if I change the Sort By field from Popularity to Release date, it then shows titles ranging from the year 2020 to the 1800s.

If I then also apply a filter of Release Date (Upper Limit) = 2015, it then loads the titles but there are loads of foreign ones I'd like to hide etc.
I don't know, I just thought if there was a trailers type view or some other filters it might have been just the ticket!

I have been using the Apple iTunes Trailers add-on for movies but have some issues with it at the moment.


What do you mean with "foreign" exactly? You only want movies created in your home country?
ExtendedInfo can already be used now as a trailer add-on in a very nice way, there´s nothing stopping you from that. Wink
You can also use the video plug-in part btw, it contains a lot of lists like "movies in cinema" etc.
Also, please base your opinions on the "official" implementation because its possible that skinners do not implement all features.
Well I don't want to see all the foreign titles, looks to be mainly Indian Bollywood type stuff, I'd only want to see the more main stream English titles. It just seemed there was no easy way of displaying / filtering a list of movie titles for new or up coming releases, such as the trailers list you would see in the Apple iTunes Trailers add-on.

However I can see that ExtendedInfo running as a stand alone add-on for this purpose has huge potential, especially as you can also view TV Show titles and they also seem to have some trailers. All the trailers are from Youtube right?

And I am only really talking about the "official" implementation, if that means running it as the stand alone Program add-on etc.

(2015-09-09, 22:02)cw-kid Wrote: [ -> ]Well I don't want to see all the foreign titles, looks to be mainly Indian Bollywood type stuff, I'd only want to see the more main stream English titles. It just seemed there was no easy way of displaying / filtering a list of movie titles for new or up coming releases, such as the trailers list you would see in the Apple iTunes Trailers add-on.

However I can see that ExtendedInfo running as a stand alone add-on for this purpose has huge potential, especially as you can also view TV Show titles and they also seem to have some trailers. All the trailers are from Youtube right?

And I am only really talking about the "official" implementation, if that means running it as the stand alone Program add-on etc.


"Official" means running confluence, there you will get all features implemented.
Yes, all trailers come from YouTube.
As said, try Video-Add-ons --> ExtendedInfo, there you have some pre-defined lists available which should suit your needs.
Oh that's much better, I was launching it as a Program add-on, if I launch it from Video add-ons instead I can now see the pre-defined lists for upcoming movies etc, think that is exactly what I was looking for, I will check it out now.

Thanks again.