Hi Phil65. Great work. I tried to add the code to the ccm.silence rom DialogKeyboard.xml but I’m not successful I lack the coding skills…Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me you’r DialogKeyboard.xml that was used in the screenshot (skin looks like confluence…post 1079) THANK YOU!
(2015-10-19, 08:59)JimThend Wrote: [ -> ]sometimes I get an error:
17:31:46 T:5188 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
Error Contents: ('likeCount',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Dragon\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py", line 91, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Dragon\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\plugin.py", line 21, in __init__
start_info_actions(self.infos, self.params)
File "C:\Users\Dragon\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\process.py", line 249, in start_info_actions
orderby=params.get("orderby", "relevance"))
File "C:\Users\Dragon\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\YouTube.py", line 137, in search_youtube
videos = handle_youtube_videos(results["items"], extended=True)
File "C:\Users\Dragon\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.extendedinfo\resources\lib\YouTube.py", line 50, in handle_youtube_videos
item["likes"] = ext_item['statistics']['likeCount']
KeyError: ('likeCount',)
-->End of Python script error report<--
17:31:46 T:8440 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=youtubesearch&&id=Coldplay
how can I fix ??
Should be fixed now on GIT, thx for reporting.
HI Phil,
Many thanks for making this indispensible script. I expect you're quite busy these days, but I'm hoping if you have a moment you might comment on my earlier post regarding the 'info=extendedepisodeinfo' call:
Post: #1424
All the best...
EDIT: A log of the extendedinfo call is
here as requested. However, my original question was around the status of 'extenedepisodeinfo' based on your earlier post --- whether still an undocumented WIP or not --- so if you could also comment on that I'd really appreciate it.
Hi Phil,
as always, great work on the extendedinfo script! loved it in combination with your skin and it worked great!
unfortuently when I use the Madox skin, I always receive the error "could not find item at the MovieDB" while I have all the credentials entered. Any clue what I am doing wrong?
thanks a ton!!
I may have found a bug or at least something weird with my setup... when launching extendedinfo for an actor and playing a YouTube video if I press stop then exit using escape/backspace/back it plays a video in the background. Same behavior whether native appearance is enabled or not. I tried my modded version of Aeon Nox 5 and the original from the Kodi repo. I am on 15.2, I did not see anything standout in the log but it is posted below. Could you take a peek if you have a moment?
After some further testing I believe I have narrowed it down to DialogInfo, it does not happen when selecting a YouTube video from DialogVideoInfo. It also occurs using Confluence on Isengard or Jarvis alpha 4 with the latest extendedinfo from GitHub or the Kodi repo version.
In Mimic skin I get extendedinfo script errors when I open info dialog.
The script is returning errors for the 'discography' call. I am not 100% positive, but it seems these have started to pop up recently, it could be a change in the theaudiodb API. Is this a know issue? If not I can try to work on a fix...
Quote:15:29:06 T:2744122176 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: get_http: could not get data from http://www.theaudiodb.com/api/v1/json/58...ive+Attack
15:29:07 T:2744122176 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:29:07 T:2744122176 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: Exception: Could not get new JSON data from http://www.theaudiodb[/code].com/api/v1/json/58353d43204d68753987fl/searchalbum.php?s=Massive+Attack. Tryin to fallback to cache
15:29:07 T:2744122176 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: None
15:29:07 T:2744122176 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: Error when handling handle_audiodb_albums results
15:29:07 T:2744122176 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: opened textfile /home/pbureau/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.extendedinfo/LastFM/e7de706a5c472466ff81347435be1676.txt.
15:29:07 T:2650184512 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: Exception: Could not get new JSON data from http://www.theaudiodb.com/api/v1/json/58...ive+Attack. Tryin to fallback to cache
15:29:07 T:2650184512 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: None
15:29:07 T:2650184512 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: Error when handling handle_audiodb_albums results
15:29:07 T:2744122176 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: loaded file for http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?api_ke...4cbf6e6ca8. time: 0.020079
15:29:08 T:2650184512 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: opened textfile /home/pbureau/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.extendedinfo/LastFM/e7de706a5c472466ff81347435be1676.txt.
15:29:08 T:2650184512 DEBUG: script.extendedinfo: loaded file for http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?api_ke...4cbf6e6ca8. time: 0.033638
15:29:08 T:2744122176 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
Error Contents: ('mbid',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pbureau/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/plugin.py", line 91, in <module>
File "/home/pbureau/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/plugin.py", line 21, in __init__
start_info_actions(self.infos, self.params)
File "/home/pbureau/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/resources/lib/process.py", line 48, in start_info_actions
discography = get_artist_albums(params.get("artist_mbid"))
File "/home/pbureau/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/resources/lib/LastFM.py", line 218, in get_artist_albums
return handle_lastfm_albums(results)
File "/home/pbureau/.kodi/addons/script.extendedinfo/resources/lib/LastFM.py", line 81, in handle_lastfm_albums
'mbid': album['mbid'],
KeyError: ('mbid',)
-->End of Python script error report<--
15:29:08 T:2744122176 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:29:08 T:2744122176 INFO: Python script stopped
This is due to theaudiodb,com upgrade today. Should be fixed by tonight

For reference, it works now. Thanks for the reply.
Would it be possible to have trending shows that are in your own library open the tv show rather than opening the extended info dialog? Thanks in advance.
Hey Phil, I can't install the script
19:05:41 T:1986982360 DEBUG: CAddonInstallJob[script.module.pil]: requires xbmc.python version 2.0.0 which is not available
Android, kodi 15.2
why is that ?
(2015-11-06, 21:09)tomer953 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Phil, I can't install the script
19:05:41 T:1986982360 DEBUG: CAddonInstallJob[script.module.pil]: requires xbmc.python version 2.0.0 which is not available
Android, kodi 15.2
why is that ?
FTV device perhaps ? That won't run the PIL module. It's a known issue
(2015-11-06, 21:12)marcelveldt Wrote: [ -> ] (2015-11-06, 21:09)tomer953 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Phil, I can't install the script
19:05:41 T:1986982360 DEBUG: CAddonInstallJob[script.module.pil]: requires xbmc.python version 2.0.0 which is not available
Android, kodi 15.2
why is that ?
FTV device perhaps ? That won't run the PIL module. It's a known issue
Actually not, it's "ProBox2 EX" - same problem as FTV ?