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Full Version: No surround sound on XMBC
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Apple TV Gen 1 w/CrytalHD video card
XMBC 11.0 - Eden
Optical output to Yamaha Amp
HDMI output to TV

I have been using the setup decsribed above and I have never been able to make surround sound work in XMMBC. When I power up the Apple TV, the intro plays in 5.1 and when I watch movies downloaded from iTunes it plays in 5.1 as well. However, I have never been able to get 5.1 sound from xmbc. I checked all settings and everywhere there is an option for 5.1, I have selected it and AC3 passthrough is enabled. Any thoughts on why this isn't working?

Are you using crystalbuntu?
No, I am not
** Thread moved to OS X support.
I tried it on crystalbuntu (frodo), and the result was the same, 2 channel sound only. The movie I tested was Hangover II on 1 channel. Not sure if any of that helps, but thought I would pass it along.

No 1Channel support on XBMC.org (see forum rules (wiki)). Does this happen on movie files that are from other sources?
That was just an example, its not a 1channel issue. Tried youtube as well, no 5.1 there either
Probably because those files only contain a stereo audio track.
Get a decent test file and test it with that:
That plays 5.1 just fine. I guess the problem is not with xmbc. Thanks for your help.