Hey everyone - simple question (I hope). I am trying to find dvd/bluray software for OSX. I just picked up a mac mini to serve as my HTPC, and it has been fantastic thus far. However, I need to get an aftermarket bluray drive. I was considering picking one up, but I can't seem to find any suggestions on players, or how compatible they are with the 3d standards (specifically, are they able to handle MVC 3d). I know PowerDVD for windows can handle everything, but I haven't been able to find something similar (at least in my research) for mac. Any suggestions?
Nahh - Mac is the wrong platform for bluerays if you ask me. Apple / MacOSX boycotts that standard. (not sure if XBMC will do it tbh).
XBMC doesn't do MVC, AFAIK. I've tried it with no luck using an ISO of Brave 3d. Bino won't do it either since MVC isn't part of the library they use (outside of some experimental graduate work).
You could try bino, but I am not sure it supports MVC.
MAC Blu-Ray player but isn't free
bino is not on;y free but open source.
(2013-04-23, 03:15)Gzapr Wrote: [ -> ]MAC Blu-Ray player but isn't free
Doesn't support any 3d format at all - and they don't have a published roadmap.
(2013-04-23, 03:52)nickr Wrote: [ -> ]bino is not on;y free but open source.
But doesn't support MVC 3d

oops sorry about the earlier typo.
Yes looks like you are right.
Rip the bluray to SBS is the only recommendation I can make, this will work flawlessly, albeit at half resolution.